I woke up at ten this morning so that I could call my mom before she left the house this morning, but I guess I was too late. I left a message on her cell that's never turned on. Grrr. But, anyway, I discovered that both Jo and Morgan had related the fun-filled events of last night all ready. Way to be on the ball, guys. ;-) I wonder if Angela got any slee

So this is most of us (Angela was taking the picture) last night at Rosie's on 124th--a fine establish- ment totally lacking in molesty-looking guys named Captain Bob. Yes, Peter's rendition of "Sweet Transvestite" totally put the rest of us to shame and seemed to make a lot of people decide to leve. ^_^ The picture was taken while we were swaying to Jo's rendition of "More than Words." She really needed Eric or John around to do a duet with. ;-) Also, we need to get Morgan back to karaoke on a night where she isn't driving, and can therefore drink her inhibitions away before belting out... oh, how about some Celine Dion? ;-p My rendition of "Time of Your Life" went better once I switched octaves, and so microphones and I have decided to put a moratorium on our mutual animosity. Then again, the mic last night was... lacking. Not sensitive enough. I hope this comment doesn't cause the microphone community to reneg on our agreement. *worried look* My renditions of "Do It Again" and the classic "Joy to the World" went remarkably well. :-) And Peter needs a Karaoke limit--one established before we enter the building. He could've stayed there for days.
I won't be able to make it for Thai tonight, but I'll call someone when I get off work at 9 to see if anything else is happening. For now, I need coffee.
(Oh, that reminds me: Peter's dad bought a new espresso machine. It's manual and looks, as Peter so appropriately put it, very Steam Punk. I have not yet mastered it completely, having only used it once. Coffee on Sunday may take a moment longer than normal. ^_^)