I have just eaten three pastilles of extra creamy chocolate, and I'm now much happier with the world than I was ten minutes ago. :-) Holy crap, things have been insane lately.
It's midterm season, leading up to Reading Week. My 281 midterm was yesterday (it went not bad), my Ed Psych midterm is on Thursday, and my Band Tech midterm is on Tuesday. My other two courses (Speech and Lessons) don't have midterms, but 281 is trying to make up for that by having two midterms. Boo.
So my lesson and rep class were cancelled yesterday because Russ' wife had her baby on Friday. It's a boy, and they named him James. Russ e-mailed out pictures, and in one of them, Peter and I decided he looked like an angry mobster. ^_^
The 383 scene I'm in goes up next Tuesday, probably. I'm now kicking myself for deciding to do this. At least it's a short scene. And if any of y'all want to come to the Wind Ensemble concert this Sunday, I actually won't try to talk you out of it. A fair deal of it is "real music." ^_^
But what I'm actually looking forward to is the Formal on Friday. Pretty dresses, drinking and dancing. Oh, crap. I just realized that I have rehearsal for my 383 at 9 am the next morning. Bugger. But my director wants another rehearsal and she's spending all day doing set painting and I can't do Sunday because of the concert and fuck. Oh, well. I've started going back to my high school mantra, and I think this is a good time for it: Sleep is for the Weak.
So I've decided that David Grammit, my 281 teacher, despite being a really good teacher, is nuts about style. We have to submit a bibliography of the score and two recordings of the piece we'll be using for our term paper (well, actually it was due on Jan 30, but I'll get it in tomorrow... I hope), and we have to use this style that... I have no idea what it's actually called. It's not APA, MLA, or Chicago. I had to go to the library and photocopy pages out of the style book that was on reserve. I... why? What's wrong with a style that people have actually heard of? And plus I heard the story about how he accused Eric of plagiarism because he used the phrase "dark and macrabre" in a paper, and so now I'm scared of him, too. I suck at citations. I wrote an entire paper last year without citing my sources. Not only did I not get in trouble, I didn't even fail. Got a B. I guess I just don't see citations as a backbone of scholarly integrity. Bah.
Anyway, another thing I have to do by tomorrow is write a poem about a pencil. I guess I'll go do that.
I like pencils a whole lot
They write good when days are hot
Mechanical or just plain wood
Either way they're mighty good
(Brownie points to anybody who knows what poem I spoofed here. It should be pretty obvious if you know my taste in movies.)