Finally, I've got my own Formal pictures on my comp. This is Sara, on her day pass from the hospital. I totally didn't recognize her at first with her hair back/up. She said that now that she's being put back on steroids, she wanted to enjoy wearing her nice clothes while they still fit.

And, here, of course, are Pri and Morgan. Pri looks confused. I'm not sure why. Maybe she'd just seen Katie walk by with her fifth (seventh? twelfth?) Harvey Walbanger. But wouldn't that cause more of a look of empathetic nausea? Hmmm...

And, lastly, this is a picture I took by mistake. It will have to count as the requisite picture of Peter and I. The one on my camera had me looking absoluely crazed. I'm not even sure it was a good idea to metion its existence.
In other news, I'm meeting Jenilee for coffee in about 20 minutes, so I should go get changed and whatnot. Oh! Something some of you might find amusing: I made pancakes this morning! I made plain ones for Dave and blueberry ones for myself. I got these organic blueberries that were superb. The problem? I made mine bigger, and they didn't cook all the way through. ^_^ But Peter and I decided that Goo is Good for the Soul, so it's all right. ^_^
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