It is Saturday night and I have good fresh pizza and Dr. Pepper. This makes me happy.
Lemurcoons also make me happy. :-)
I haven't gone to get my picture CD back from Wendy yet, so I can't post any of the pictures that I took myself, but that's ok, since those didn't turn out well and I found some great ones on Google Images. Here is what a lemurcoon, aka coati, aka coati mundi, looks like:

Now, this picture doesn't look all that cute, but it gives a good idea of how "coati" could be mistranslated into "raccoon," despite not looking all that much like one.

This picture is rather cuter, and shows the lemurcoon in what has come to be its natural habitat, acquiring food in what has come to be its natural form of hunting. Seriously, these things are all over the garbage cans. They may subsist primarily on insects, but they won't turn down an empty Coke bottle.

Now *this* picture showcases their cuteness, especially where the flexible nose is concerned. This is a young coati, of course, and I have no idea what kind of animal its looking at. Maybe a lemur. ^_^
So that is my post for the day. I hope you have all come to appreciate these things as much as I have. ^_^
Hey, coatis! When I was in Vancouver taking care of my cousin as he recovered from chicken pox (so his mum could attend her classes), we watched a lot of Kratt's Creatures and one day it was all about coatis! They are so cute, and as I learned from that show, coatis like to jump!
Lemurcoon is a good word though, about as cute as the animal itself.
Glad you had fun in South America; sorry I didn't read your blog before today... How is Peter doing?
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