What? Jeremy already left?? Boo! I didn't get to see him all summer. But I hope he does well in his audition. At least I get to send Doug off properly. See y'all tomorrow night!
So it's my dad's 60th birthday today. I'm almost surprised that he made it this long. He's been especially computer illiterate lately, and I've been the one babysitting him. Some people are just too arrogant to get along with machines, and my father is one of them. I actually let him use my computer, which I swore I would never do. My parents' comp is dying, and will no longer access the internet, so I let him check his e-mail from my machine. Thanks to being coddled by Outlook, he knew neither his username nor his password when we accessed Shaw's webmail using Netscape. He also bought a CD-ROM yesterday with stuff on how to sell property yourself, since he's selling this lake lot that he and a friend of his own, and not a minute after he started, I heard "AAAAAAUGH!!!!!!!!" I can't even convey the sound in type. Combine the sounds of a cow, a sugarglider and some screechy bird of prey and you have a decent starting point. But, anyways, his problem?: "I don't wanna install this!!!!" Later, when he had discovered that the CD didn't even have what he needed, and had deleted the shortcut for the program from his desktop (thus, "uninstalling it," he said), taped the CD back in its package and told my mom to return it for him, lest he kill whoever was trying to help him, I explained to him that CDs usually need to be installed, because there needs to be a user interface. But by then it was all over, according to him, and trying to explain why the problem was with his ignorance would only have ended badly, so my mom started doing some meditative breathing beside me and my dad went to sit in his La-Z-Boy.
I, meanwhile, have turned into my mother. For well over a year now, she's been working on minute details of our new house. It's only been that long because the builders cancelled the project the first time, but, still, I didn't think she could spend _that_long_ deciding which cabinets to put in the kitchen. She has this binder of insanity with floor plans and altered floor plans and pages torn out of magazines and a Tazmanian Devil keychain attached to the zipper so she doesn't have trouble opening the binder whenever mania strikes. And I spent a large amount of time yesterday arranging little cut-outs of graph paper that represent pieces of furniture over a traced-out floor plan of what my new bedroom will look like. I can fit the sofa I like in there! Not that I really think I would have a sofa in my room, but I could! My mom offered to get me an armchair, so I'll probably have the one from the same series as the sofa underneath the window. If I had a scanner, I'd post a possible arrangement of my room here and ask for your guy's opinions, and then you would all become enablers.
Did I mention that I managed to get my parents to order a really good Dell computer when it was on promo? Well I did, and I'm absolutely flabbergasted that my dad went for something that wasn't top of the line. I think any regrets about that he may have had afterwards (he went from not knowing the computer existed to ordering it within an hour, so regret might have sunk in later) was totally eradicated by the fact that the computer he has is quickly becoming unusable.
Anyway, I apparently have 61 more years left, so I'll save the rest of my ramblings for later.
Wholly Molly, that was long in one word per line, anyways thankfully my dad is completely computer literate, which means less complaining on our part. Wow a room plan I think I should see this with a sofa and chair! I haven't started doing that for our new house, but by the looks of things our house might be done before yours, that's to say that my mom is no less crazy than yours about the floor plans the kitchen cabnits etc. Well good luck with the computer stuff. JW
You are such a sweetheart...of course it might take me another 61 years to actually understand what i'm doing...
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