One of _my_ favourite moments from my birthday party. ^_^
So I spent the day at Heritage Days with Kaitlyn and Peter, as well as Peter's old friends Glenys and Graham (I'm pretty sure I've misspelled at least one of those) and a couple of their relatives and some random Belgians. Jenilee was supposed to come, but she was sick (get better!!) and Kaitlyn invited John, but it was on rather short notice and, as far as I know, he hasn't even checked his e-mail. I was remembering how last year, Doug was there, and I mentioned that we should have invited him since he apparently got back on the 29th. Peter hadn't heard this (well, he had, but he didn't remember), but my word was confirmed when Doug called this evening. I was asleep, unfortunately. I got a wicked sunburn. I am so red, and it hurts so much more than I remember. Peter was hovering around me after dinner, insisting that I was radiating heat. But, yeah, so when we got back I took a shower and a nap. Hence, I cannot sleep now, and, hence, I missed the call from Doug, but, apparently, we're gonna do lunch some time this week, because that's all Peter can manage with his 48 hours af 3-11 shifts this week. Looking forward to that.
I had a deep-fried banana at Heritage Days, and it was sooo good, and it made me miss Krua Wilia (sp?). Then somebody, it must have been Kaitlyn, said that she'd heard that it was being sold back to the old owners because it wasn't doing as well as it used to. I hope this is true. Has anybody else heard anything about this? I know something happened with them at A Taste of Edmonton, because they pulled out early, and I know that their lunch buffet didn't have fish cakes the last time I went there (boo!), but that's about it.
Tonight was the finale of Hell's Kitchen!!!!! Michael won, which I saw coming a mile away. I didn't like Ralph. He had this aged-leather machismo that I just couldn't get onboard with. Regardless as to how good a Porterhouse steak (his signature dish for the last night) could be, the ones he had were too thin, improperly trimmed and unevenly spiced. If you're gonna run a good steakhouse, as was Ralph's intention, then you need to start with good meat and good seasonings. But I most loved the bit at the end, where they were celebrating, and Gordon Ramsay sprayed everyone with champagne. He totally poured most of a bottle right onto Dewberry's head! It was great! ^_^
Mike and Wilai might/probably will be buying back Krua Wilai to try and revitalize it. I don't know the time frame (maybe a couple to 6 months?) but that's what I've heard from the Thai front :)
Heritage Days was seriously a blast! I love going every year with you guys! Especially since the weather was so fantastic (the burn will go away eventually...), the food was great (as always), and the salsa dancing was very cool...already looking forward to next summer...
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