
Return of Blog

Wow. It's been so long since I used this blog that I tried to sign into my account with the wrong e-mail address. o.O I used my gmail account by mistake, and it told me I wasn't the author of any blogs, and for half a second I wondered if I'd just let this thing languish for so long that it had disappeared into the ether. I should find a way to back up the entirety of my blog. This is the 433rd post, according to Blogger, so backing up each one individually would be a pain. Anybody know if it's possible to save your enitre blog at once? I am so out of touch with what can be done with Blogger...

In any case, I'm feeling the urge to talk about myself and my non-interesting life right now, so have a post:

Got a haircut today for the first time in freaking forever. It's only a few inches shorter than before, but I got layers added, so I actually have a lot less hair now. Hopefully this means it'll dry faster. The hair around my face doesn't fit into a ponytail, though. =/ My hair is no longer "Eve in Eden" long, but it's still to my mid-back. And this cut got rid of the last of the frazzled part from when I bleached out the red streaks I had a few years ago.

Updated Firefox and discovered that there's an entire category of Foxkeh "personas" (read: themes). I have a love of foxes, so I went and browsed through them. I actually found one that's both awesome and subtle enough for my tastes, so I'm now using it. I even changed my display options to always show the tabs bar so that I can see the entire picture of the little foxkeh in the corner. ^_^ I tend to hate tabs, but maybe always having the tabs bar displayed will encourage me to use them. So far, though, my opinion of them has been that I prefer seeing how many webpages I'm looking at by looking at the Windows Task Bar, because I often have different Firefox windows open relating to different tasks I'm working on, so having two Firefox windows and two other programs open makes more visual sense to me than having to look at Firefox specifically and then relate my tabs back to the other programs. It's a small thing, but I've always figured that if it's just a matter of preference, then it doesn't particularly matter, so I might as well do it the way I like. Hmm. That logic may be circular. I might have to rethink my defense of separate browser windows for separate webpages/tasks. Bah.

You know what? That's all I feel like talking about right now. Everything else in my life has been discussed to death lately. I just need the internet so that I can ramble about things nobody cares about. ^_^

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