

Today has been less than wonderful, and I am getting a tension headache. First, I was stuck in traffic for freaking ever this morning. And when I was *almost* out of Riverbend, I remembered that I forgot my music for my open score reading assignment. So I went back home and wound up getting to school just as my first class was ending. I missed the course evaluation. This made me sad, as it means I missed my chance to tell the department how crazy-full 282 is in terms of content. When Beethoven gets half a class, you know you're moving quickly.

So I practiced my score reading and Mini Gloria conducting. The Mini Gloria conducting is getting rather good, actually. I think I'll use a baton. I much prefer conducting with a baton. I was late getting to Choral Tech, though, so the sign-up list for practice conducting was already full by the time I got there, and I therefore could not practice conduct the class. After class was my open score reading "performance." I got in there and was promptly told that I learned it wrong, having learned it with the tenor line an octave higher and in the right hand. Bob made me play it in the left hand, which was about as familiar as reading Hebrew to me. I got the marks for it, but I was annoyed and ashamed.

That's really all that's happened today. Well, I guess the guys came this morning just before I left to deal with the carpet in the basement. On of our pipes had a slight dip in it, and got clogged and backed up, causing unpleasant water and black stuff to leak in the basement. My mom pulled up some of the carpet a couple days ago because it smelled, and she was about to cut it out, but my dad yelled at her. The insurance company was eventually contacted, and they're paying for everything. When I went home to get my music this morning, the wet carpet had been cut away by the contractor-company guys, and there is now a large section of concrete at the bottom of the stairs to the basement. The carpet in the whole of the basement, except my room, is going to be replaced, because the carpet company can't get us carpet that matches the dye lot of the stuff we have. Despite the fact that the whole deal was messy and gross, I don't think anything smelled bad. The only time I noticed a bad smell was when my mom busted out the bleach to wipe everything down. The air freshener she left in my bathroom to get rid of the bleach smell also reeked. I moved it out into the main room where it has more room to diffuse. My nose may have been bleeding a fair amount lately, but my sense of smell is still working fine. I have no idea what drove my mom crazy enough to pull up the carpet and go ask my dad for a knife.


Various Things About School

Monday morning. In Ed building on my laptop. Was in HUB, but Business wireless was sucking.

I desire input from people. I am having a mental debate as to the merits of various blog-type web services, namely livejournal. Blogger is small-time compared to livejournal, and I'm pining for its community networking abilities. I won't give up this blog, but I'm wondering if anybody with experience with livejournal can give me a clue as to how easy/hard/scary/boring the whole scene is.

So Peter's Convocation was on Thursday, and he actually went for the sake of his parents. ^_^ His dad gave him a really cool kind of wooden map of South America, with each country made out of a different kind of wood. I had class/rehearsal, so I couldn't go to the actual Convocation ceremony, but I was able to go out for dinner afterwards. We went to Shogun, which Peter has been going to since he was a teeny-tiny little person of the unable-to-walk-yet variety. It's a tepanyaki restaurant, and the chef who prepared the food recognized us and waxed nostalgic a bit about how long he'd known Peter. It was kind of neat. And much food was eaten. That place serves a freaking huge dinner.

In related news, Andy has invited my parents and I for Christmas. We had them over a couple of years ago, and Andy says that now it's his "turn." (Last year, Peter was in Calgary with his mom, so there was no turn to be taken.) It sounds rather nice to me, since neither of my siblings will be able to make it for Christmas (I assume--I don't actually know about Lindsay and Treleana), and I prefer to have people around for holidays. Man, I should start thinking about Christmas gifts. My Visa card is probably a little bored from lack of use lately, so it's time to rack up more debt. ^_^

Nothing else in my life is terribly interesting right now. School is in the crunch time phase. It sucks, but I'm alive and not actively contemplating being otherwise. ^_^ I have to do an arrangement of a chorale for woodwind quintet tonight/tomorrow morning. I hate stuff like that. I don't particularly care about adding the artistic aspects of arranging to my skill set, so it becomes essentially a demonstration that I understand the theory, which disappoints my somewhat idealistic prof. I really like my prof, but I don't think he realizes that this course can be applied to degree programs other than Theory and Composition, so he talks a lot about the artistic merit of arranging. I feel kind of bad stating that as a bad thing, because I really do think he's a great prof, but my world is too busy for sensitive, artistic arranging right now.

Course evaluations for the Music Department are this week. I look forward to those way too much. To quote Jane from the British version of the TV show Coupling: "I love giving opinions--I've got thousands of them!" ^_^ But I should stop rambling and go do something productive now.


Friday Reading

Courtesy of Angela. Any griping about how stupid/useless these things are should be sent directly to her. :-p

1. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? Sure.
2. Favorite country? Canada
3. What's your favorite song? I don't think I currently have a favourite. Maybe You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon. Fun. :-)
4. What is/was your favorite subject in school? Band
5. Are you good at impersonations? No. I don't even bother to try.
6. Drums or guitar? Oh, that's actually a tough one... drums, I'd say.
7. Have you ever been surfing? No. I'm waiting for a waterproof iPod so that I can listen to the Beach Boys as I fall off my board. ^_^
8. Movie at home or in a theatre? In the theatre for watching it, but having a movie on at home while doing something like folding laundry is really nice.
9. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? Yes. They're just rollercoasters.
10. Have you met anyone in real life after meeting them online? I don't think so...
11. Do you like arcades? Not particularly.
12. Have you ever had your heart broken? Not romantically.
13. Last hug? Last night, from Peter.
14. Do you have a job? What is it? I'm a denim monkey at Old Navy. It's about that exciting.
15. Explain what you think about abortion. Your body, your choice.
16. Coke or Pepsi? *shrug* Either.
17. Do you like the band Radiohead? What I've heard is good.
18. Have you ever gone to a mall? No, I've been living under a rock my whole life. WTF?
19. Are all the pigs lined up? ...? Possibly, but I doubt it.
20. Who is your newest friend? Uh... Stephanie, a girl in many of my classes that I talk to?
21. Best April Fool's joke ever? I liked hearing about the one CHED did when the weather was first measured in Celcius, and they claimed that we had also moved to metric time. ^_^
22. Lonely or lovesick? As in which would I rather be? Lovesick, because at least then there would be somebody around. Preferrably neither, though.
23. Do you know anyone who has never left their home state? I don't think so...
24. Have you ever been beat up? No.
25. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? Whih devil? Hades? The Christian devil? I don't believe in any of them, really, though, so no, I don't think so.
26. Last time you saw your mom? This morning.
27. Have you ever gone rock climbing? I've gone indoor rock climbing.
28. What is your favorite sport to watch? Uh... golf? *golf clap*
29. Have you ever peed your pants after age 8? I'm pretty sure the answer is no.
30. Do you hate someone? I used to. I don't know if I have the time/energy for it now. I don't see the people I used to hate anymore. I'll say no.
31. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? I know they have a real name, something like "tags" or whatnot, but I can't remember exactly what it is...
32. Croutons or bacon bits? Mmm... croutons.
33. Burial or cremation? Probably cremation.
34. Do you have a girlfriend? I have platonic girl friends, but being female and not a lesbian, I don't have *that* kind of girlfriend.
35. Cars or planes? Cars, I guess, because a plane would be expensive to operate.
36. Why do you admire people? Lots of reasons: skill, intelligence, charisma, accomplishments...
37. Do you own a car? Yes. It is old and the roof leaks.
38. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? I... don't know. Facebook and e-mail? How about in person?
39. Can you whistle? Yep.
40. For a guy: short or long hair? I don't have a problem with either, but different haircuts look good on different guys.
41. Abercrombie or Hollister? *shurg* Either?
42. New York or California? New York, probably.
43. Have you ever been on TV? When I was 8, for a news story on summer camps.
44. What is your favorite number? Either 16 or 9.
45. Have you ever gone a week without showering? Probably, when I was really sick.
46. Do you believe that animals have souls? Insofar as I believe in the existence of a soul, yes.
47. How much do you weigh? I honestly don't know. I haven't weighed myself in ages.
48. Rebel or goodie-two-shoes? More the latter. What do I have to rebel against?
49. Are you good at imitating accents? Again with the no.
50. Do you wear glasses? I require corrective lenses, and I usually wear contacts.
51. Collar popped or normal? Normal.
52. Gym or music? I don't understand h0w those are dichotomous. Music, though.
53. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? Uh, no.
54. Have you ever been drunk? Yes.
55. Have you ever been to a different country? A few.
56. What is your least favorite emoticon? There are way too many for me to choose a least favourite.
57. What name brand do you wear the most? Uh, Old Navy? American Eagle? Are those name brands?
58. Do you drink soda? Yes, but I call it "pop."
59. Would you eat sushi? Would and do. Tasty fish.
60. What is your favorite flavor in general? Cinnamon, maybe caramel.
61. Would you go skinny dipping? I'm sure there are circumstances in which I would.
62. Favorite food? Yogurt.
63. Who do you want to meet? Oh, I don't know... I'm sure there's a whole list of people, but I can't really think of one to write right now.
64. Name one person you hate, and why: N/A
65. Who do you trust? Uh, Peter... and my dog...
66. Sneakers or flip-flops? Sneakers, for the most part.
67. Do you wear deoderant? Yes.
68. Do you like taking surveys? Sure.
69. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? Jenilee, whom I've known as long as we both have been alive.
70. Would you flip off the pope? HAHAHA!!! That would be so amusing. Probably not, though. Despite not being a Christian, the Pope would probably be an interesting enough guy to talk to that I wouldn't want to preclude the possibility of that happening.
71. Do you consider yourself religious? No.
72. Do you send chain letters very often? More or less never.
73. Would you die for your family? No offense, family, but probably not.
74. Do you hold grudges? Not really.
75. Hug or kiss? I enjoy both, but get more of the former.
76. Do you like cows? They go "moo." What's not to like?
77. Flip-flops or slippers? I am all about the slippers.
78. Have you ever been to college? If by college you mean "University," then yes.
79. Logic or art? Oooh, both?
80. What's the best concert you've seen? Uh, I don't know, really. Some concerts you can't really compare...
81. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Oh, yeah.
82. Do you like the taste of blood? ...No.
83. Who do you NOT want to meet? I don't know if there is a person I wouldn't like to meet. Lots of interesting things can be learned from meeting people.
84. Would you run from the police? I'm sure there are circumstances under which I would.
85. Do you know any foreign languages? I speak English and French. It's up to you to do decide if either of those count as "foreign."
86. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? What *is* a Ruby Tuesday, exactly? Don't look at me like that.
87. Do you believe in magic? I suppose not.
88. Have you ever moshed? No.
89. Where did you go to school? Edmonton?
90. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? About 36 hours, I'd say.
91. Do you get motion sickness? Occasionally, usually in the form of a headache.
92. Would you be my friend? ...Possibly.
93. What is the last thing you said to someone? "In the Downloads folder right about there."
94. Do you have a cell phone? Yes.

And now that I've taken a "break" to go to class and drive home, I resume!

95. Hot or beautiful? Hot.
96. Have you ever been on the radio? No.
97. How do you usually dress? Casually, I guess.
98. Have you ever gotten your tongue frozen to something? An ice cube. Seriously! They melt quickly, though, so it wasn't a problem.
99. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? I have a boyfriend, so I'm quite happy in that department, thanks.
100. Have you ever seen Switchfoot in concert? No. Are they the scary ones? No, wait, that's Slipknot. Who are Switchfoot?
101. Have you gone on a date? ...Yes.
102. Have you ever gone to a private school? Nope.
103. Do you like working with people? I like working in the presence of other people, but not with other people. Working with people makes me want to end a life.
104. Favorite type of sock? Uh, black?
105. Do you have any piercings? Just in my ears.
106. Do you like dogs? Very much so.
107. Do you get along with other people's parents? I suppose. I'm not exactly friends with any of them, though.
108. Would you eat human flesh for money? If everything was clean and fully-cooked, and the person was dead anyway, and it was enough money to be worth the attention, then, yeah, what the hell.
109. Have you ever seen Nine Inch Nails in concert? No, but at least I know who they are.
110. Who of your friends can tell anything to you? Uh, Peter, maybe?
111. Pancakes or waffles? Mmm... waffles.
112. Do you want to talk to anyone right now? Not particularly.
113. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? Would and have. Some people don't like that, but I don't particularly care.
114. What is your dream job? That's a really good question. If I ever figure it out, I'll let you know.
115. Do you wear perfume? Hardly ever.
116. Who is the fattest person you know? Uh... there's a Drama student who was rather large...
117. How are you feeling right now? Ansty, and a little cold.
118. Do you brush and floss? Yes, but generally not together. I only floss when I have stuff stuck in my teeth.
119. Do you believe in aliens? Do I believe that life exists somewhere else in the universe? Yes. Do I believe that there are little green men abducting people and giving them anal probes? No.
120. What is your hair color? Blonde.
121. What's the most common name you know? Alex, probably.
122. What's the longest car ride/road trip you've been on? Probably driving to and from Vancouver in one day each.
123. When do you go to bed? When I manage to make myself. I'm no good at going to bed.
124. Who do you talk to most on the phone? Uh... I don't know. Joyce?
125. Do you believe in love? Sure.
126. What is your biggest weakness? Caffeine. And sugar.
127. Who is the stupidest person you know? I could nominate a few people for the category of "not that bright," but I don't know anybody really stupid, I don't think...
128. Who do you have a crush on now? Nobody. My boyfriend?
129. Do you sleep naked? No. It's not comfortable to me.
130. Love or like? As in, which do I prefer? It kind of depends on the person... Like, I guess?
131. Have you ever cut off a limb? Only of a gingerbread man.
132. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing
you thought? I hate my bangs.
133. What size shoe do you wear? Women's size 10.
134. What's your favorite car? I don't know... I'd like a Civic hybrid for my next car, if I could, though.
135. Have you ever had a crush on the same sex? No.
136. Have you ever been dumped? Kind of.
137. Best body type? On a guy? Uh, is sleek a body type?
138. Have you ever skipped school? Hell yes.
139. Would you do drugs? Sure.
140. What is your favorite male name? Uh... I don't know at this point.
141. Have you ever had a crush on more than one person at the same time? No.
142. Would you have plastic surgery? If I ever wound up with a severed finger, hell yes I'd want plastic surgery to have it put back on. I don't think I'd ever have cosmetic surgery, though.
143. Have you ever been on a boat? Yes.
144. Who is the most boring person you know? No idea.
145. What is your most missed memory? As in a memory I no longer have? Couldn't tell you.
146. Have you ever cried in public? Yep.
147. Favorite athlete? Uh... Jenilee?
148. Are you ghetto? *snerk* No.
149. Six pack or sweet? Sweet.
150. Do you believe in God? No.
151. Are you rude? I can be if I want to. I don't usually want to, though.
152. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? I know next to nothing about him.
153. You or your love? I don't understand this question.
154. Would you date someone you met online? Sure. I mean, I wouldn't agree to come over to their house alone without having met them in person a few times, but there's nothing about the internet that has to mean somebody is a creep.
155. Have you ever gone streaking? No.
156. Do you believe in soul mates? In a manner of speaking, yes.
157. Say something annoying. Pleeeeeaaasee???? (Well, I'd find it annoying.)
158. What is your favorite type of ice cream? Probably cookies 'n' cream.
159. What is your screen name? Uh, I use various forms of etoile_du_nord, I suppose, such as my e-mail address.
160. Would you date someone older than you? Would and am.
161. Do you memorize random facts? Yes. It's kind of annoying to me on occasion.
162. What is one bet you've won? I can't remember. Nothing big, that's for sure.
163. What kind of music do you hate? Not a big hip-hop fan, but I wouldn't say I hate it.
164. Have you ever been on a road trip? Yep.
165. Worst April Fool's joke ever? I'm sure if I remembered some from elementary school, they would be horrible, but I can't. Sorry.
166. How do you align yourself politically? I'd rather not, really, but probably more to the liberal end of things.
167. Last time you spent $100, and what for? A couple of weeks ago, when I bought a new power cord for my laptop. I didn't think it'd be that expensive.
168. Have you ever been to a concert? Oh, yeah.
169. One rumor that's been spread about you: Uh... I think in the seventh grade there was a rumour that I was dating a friend of mine. He was short, so people thought it was funny...
170. Mom or Dad? What? Uh, mom?
171. Can you cook? Yep.
172. What do you think about homosexual marriage? All for it. I'm sure that my sister and her wife love eachother very much, and I hope they're successful in conceiving a child.
173. Do you believe in life after love? Yes, but not in Cher.
174. Dogs or cats? I'm certainly more of a dog person.
175. Do you wear cologne? No.
176. Group or single dates? If you want it to be a special date, then single dates, but group dates can be fun.
177. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? Daily, usually, maybe twice a day.
178. Where did you get your last email from? Facebook.
179. Chocolate or vanilla? Probably vanilla.
180. Do you like the band The Shins? I am aware that they exist, but that is all...
181. Have you ever bought a car? No.
182. Have you ever been high... on life? Yeah.
183. Where did you last go on vacation? Vancouver, I guess.
184. How many ex boyfriends/girlfriends do you have? One. I am such a wild child.
185. What's your favorite album/CD? I don't know right now...
186. What is your favorite word? Spiffy is a definite contender.
187. Have you ever left the house naked? No, not even by accident.
188. One best friend or many good friends? Many good friends would be my choice, but, luckily, I don't have to choose.
189. Have you ever been asked for an autograph? Only when sales clerks use that term instead of signature for a credit card receipt. That's kind of weird, I think.
190. TV or movie? TV.
191. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think? Usually some version of "What time is it?"
192. What's your favorite movie? Hmmm... I don't know that one right now, either...
193. Who is the skinniest person you know? Kripa.
194. Do you get annoyed easily? Probably.
195. Have you ever been to a beach? Yep.
196. What was the last compliment you GAVE? I think I told my mom I liked her shirt.
197. Do you like celebrities? Uh, they're people? I guess I like some of them, but not because they're celebrities.
198. Have you ever performed on stage? Oh, yeah.
199. Who can you tell anything to? Uh, Peter, I guess?
200. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? I really want to go to Greece.


Units of Failure

Ok, so my Ed Psych paper was due four minutes ago. Or, rather, four minutes ago was the last time it would be accepted without having marks docked. Have I been to school since Monday morning? Yeah, no. I'm currently at home screaming at the results charts in the research articles I'm using. None of these damned tables use units of measurement. The result for vandalism done by African-Americans between the ages of 14-16 is 2.6. Well, ok, I made that up, but that's what all the results look like. 2.6 what, exactly? I have spent the past three days trying to figure shit like this out. Right now, it's very tempting to just abandon the course and take an EDEL course with Bob next term for my last Ed credits. I won't, though. Instead, I'll just hand in this paper whenever I can get it done--it'll be accepted until Monday. I got above average on the midterm, so if I do as well on my final, I can get a crappy grade on the paper and still pass the course. See, this is why I can't do grad school. ^_^

Anyway, I must get some food and then return to work. Oh, and wish Jenilee a happy birthday. Happy birthday, Jenilee! =)


Squeaky and Broke, Among Others

It is Friday morning. I handed in my Orchestration assignment yesterday (though I later realized I forgot to add the Scherzando marking... oops), and now I must start in on my EDPY 404 paper. I am 95% certain that I'm writing it on externalizing disorders, like substance abuse, but if I run into serious problems while researching, that may change. We were given a list of topics to choose from, and while we could present our own topic for consideration if we wanted, that was supposed to have been done by the end of September, which it, uh, is not... ^_^ So, yeah, externalizing disorders. I'm not about to touch the adolescent sexuality topic with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole. It's just not worth getting that annoyed to write a term paper.

The backspace key on this computer squeaks. Like, "squeak"-squeaks. It would be kind of funny if it wasn't so loud. I'm in the Ed computer lab right now because the authentication programs in the FAB lab are borked. It was kind of weird walking in there and seeing nobody there, but almost all of the computers turned on at 9am. It had kind of a horror movie vibe to it. ^_^

I am annoyed at how long it takes for my paycheques to clear. I am broke until my last one clears, I think on Tuesday of next week. *sigh* I signed up for automatic deposits when I started working at Old Navy, but it never kicked in. Maybe I should re-apply. The whole being broke thing is rather problematic with my caffeine addiction. If anybody is stuck on what to get me for Christmas, Starbucks gift cards will be loved, cherished and used frequently. ^_^

Ok, now I'm procrastinating. (Best graphical representation of procrastination I've ever seen: A pocketwatch sitting in an armchair. There was also the sound of ticking. Ah, old Sierra games. ^_^) Time to get to work.


On My Second Cup of Coffee

I'm at school, though I'm not really sure why I bothered. I slept through my first class, showed up to skip my second class, and have no intention of going to my third class. The only reason I'm here is because I don't feel like writing out my string orchestra score by hand. I had enough of hand-writing scores in Band Techniques class. And since I've never bothered to finagle myself a copy of Finale, school is the only place I can do this assignment not by hand.

My nose must have been bleeding recently, because I just rubbed it and got dried blood all over my fingers. Oh, and it's bleeding again. From both nostrils. Stupid winter. There are far too many extra things to think about during winter when it comes to overall health. I did copious amounts of laundry yesterday, and broke out the dryer sheets. Those, combined with keeping my skin moisturized and using a really good conditioner, are the only way to stop my hair from going ridiculouslly static-y for five months of the year. It felt really good to get the laundry done, though. I actually have a wardrobe to select from now. ^_^

I found out something sad and confusing this morning. I ran into Sara, a fellow trumpet player, in the elevator. I asked her how she was doing, since I hadn't really seen her in a while. She sighed and said that she really wanted to be done with lessons. Apparently, she's been really angry with Russ lately. I told her that Russ is usually pretty good about hashing that kind of stuff out, and suggested she tell him. She informed me that she had told him, and it had lead to screaming matches. That seems so... un-Russ. I mean, I've heard him talk about yelling at his kids, but I've never heard of him yelling at his students. I have no idea what he and Sara have been fighting about, nor do I know who started it or who's at fault, but it's all very disheartening. Russ taught me many useful things, and while I wasn't a star pupil, I never claimed to deserve more than what he gave me, marks-wise (I got a B+ in 425), and I think I did pretty well considering the complete upheaval my life endured while I was taking lessons. Russ may have been disappointed by the shift in priorities said upheaval caused, but he never seemed to resent it, nor did he ever insist I give more than I felt I could. I feel like I'm eulogizing some version of him here. It is sad.

Time to move on to my string orchestra assignment. First, though, I must go wash my hands. Stupid bloody nose...



I'm in the Education building because three seperate computers in FAB had problems with the Authentication program, and I gave up in disgust. *sigh*

The TA gave today's lecture in 282. It was on Stravinsky. We were talking about Rite of Spring (of course), and he mentioned the importance of rhythm. He asked a kind of throw-away question about whether we thought that rhythm was the most important, fundamental element of music. A few people nodded. This one girl who's about 27, I'd say, and who eats a bagel noisily every class and insists on using a thermos for her coffee instead of a mug, and therefore opens and closes it (noisily) every few minutes, said that even the most primitive forms of music, where neanderthals hit a rock, has rhythm. A couple other comments were made, and I raised my hand. I said that I disagree because you can't have music that is just rhythm, since rhythm is not audiar. There needs to be sound in order for it to be music. The keener in the back who talks too much and reminds me of a less intelligent Adam Burgess didn't get it and argued with me about the large role of rhythm in hitting rocks together.

*hates self*

Now, my argument may not hold water, because as much as there can't be music without sound, sound cannot exist outside of time, as far as I know. Time (more commonly referred to as rhythm) and sound (more commonly referred to as pitch) are both necessary for the existence of music, as far as I can tell. It's like thinking of a staff as a graph. I still wouldn't call rhythm the most important element of music, though. I'd probably attempt to come up with a term that includes both rhythm and pitch, like how space-time is one dimention. Pitch-rhythm.

If Stravinsky was gay, why did he have a mistress?

There's still no chai in the Ed cafeteria. This makes me sad. I've been drinking Red Rose tea lately instead. The tea is good, and I've been adding honey to it, but it's just not spicy like chai. :-(

Four-day weekend coming up!! I am soooo looking forward to actually getting stuff done. Usually my weekends go as such: Spend Saturday catching up on sleep and generally relaxing, which is required for me to survive, then spend Sunday at work. I'll still do all that this weekend, but then I'll have Monday and Tuesday to do things like organize my bank records that have been piling up in my drawer.

Concert Band rehearsal yesterday was in Con Hall because the percussion equipment had all been moved there for an upcoming Wind Ensemble concert, and on my way back to FAB afterwards, I saw an advertisement for the play What the Butler Saw, less than an hour later at Timms. I called Peter to see if he wanted to go, but he had schoolwork to do, so I decided to get dinner instead of go to the play by myself. I was hoping to go tonight, but tonight is the Wind Ensemble concert. I am so jealous of how often they're performing. Not that I'd want to perform that often with Concert Band. But I'm bored. And I sit next to the 3rd euphonium player, who I would like to nominate for having the worst sense of time in the band. And the echo-y sound in Con Hall made Symphonic Songs for Band go even more out of time than usual. I have not been enjoying rehearsal lately. So I'm going to go to the Wind Ensemble concert tonight, and hopefully the play tomorrow night. :-)


Standard Blog Post

Ok, Facebook is starting to tick me off. This morning is the third time I've logged in and not been able to do stuff. Twice, I was at school, and once I was at home, and it's frustrating. Harrumph.

The stuff that I had considered writing about currently seems very boring and self-indulgent. I spent a large portion of 282 this morning contemplating the nature of innovation, and I was going to regale you wiht my thoughts on the matter, but I dn't think that would make many people terribly happy. Or awake. That class never makes me think about dates and form and stuff like that, but instead about things only tangentally related to music history, and then I stop learning the stuff that's on the test. Stupid brain.

I suppose I could follow one of the more time-honoured traditions of blogs/journals/whatever and complain about something. I don't really have anything to complain about, though. I had a bad day yesterday because I had a series of nightmares the night before and I just felt funky all day. In the nightmares, my brother died, Peter's mom died, and Peter's dad's house burned down, among other things I can't really remember. So, yeah, bad day, but not really anything to complain about. PRi sent me chocolate on Facebook. It was tasty. :-)

Let's see... another classic of blogs/journals/whatever is angst. Angst is the Dutch word for fear. I thought that was kind of cool when I found that out from my old "penpal" Marco. I miss Marco. I still have most of the angsty crap I wrote when I was younger, both in the form of my private journal and various endeavours into fiction. Ah, memories of high school writing club. ^_^ Not feeling particularly angsty today, though. I suppose I could start fretting about next year again, bu I don't particularly want to. It is, after all, rather unpleasant.

Una mas! Love. Lurve. More agnst, often. Hehehe. I suppose I could talk about this. I do in fact love my boyfriend. I was teasing him last night about how we share the same "crushes" on fictitious characters. ^_^ First the character of Alan Shore from Boston Legal (I saw the end of the new episode last night and nearly killed myself laughing at the "Sleepover?" line), and now Peter's developped this amusing preoccupation with Heroes, and, more specifically, the character of Sylar. I laughed at him. ^_^ Yeah, the whole love front is doing just fine. :-)

And I think I've just run out of standard topics. *sings the Mini Gloria* I should really go to Ed Psych today. I haven't gone except for the midterm in about three weeks, maybe more. It's long and soporific and just the prof relaying what the textbook says in between trying to force us to have group discussions about stuff. In any case, I should stop writing because Mark is here prepping for 245, and I need to go get my Choral Tech stuff. *bobs head along to Mini Gloria*



Facebook is being fritzy, so it's on to Blogger for now.

It's cold. I wore my long puffer coat today, and had to scrape down my car. The window was still frozen shut, though, and I didn't realize this until I was trying to order at the Starbucks drive-through. I had to open my door. At 1:30 this morning I gave up trying to warm myself up up with two quilts and went and dug out my big heavy down one. Oh, that was so much better.

Can anybody explain to me the dynamic between the heavy emphasis on programmatic music in the 20th century and the novelty of new sound? It seems weird that new sound would be neither used as its own end (listen to the shit I can do!) nor incorporated into previous conventions (like faux-new-sound pentatonic scales in symphonic poems). Is it that there's such a strong emphasis on programmatic music in the 20th century that we just apply everything to that practice, kind of like a man with a hammer? See, this is why I shouldn't be in a 9am 282 class--I'm not awake enough to realize that some of this crap just doesn't matter, and I get myself into wonderings like these. I hope there's just some big point that I've missed that will make me go "Oh, well, alright then," and leave it at that.

God, what the hell does my body DO with the large amounts of caffeine I feed it in the morning? Store it away for a rainy day? I feel more exhausted now than I did at 7:30 this morning...

Oh, btw, if anybody wants a Friends and Family 20% discount card for Old Navy, pipe up and I'll get you one. It even rips in half so that you can give a card to another person, so that people I don't even know exist can get a discount on my behalf. ^_^ It's good from November 26th to December 2nd, so there's no real rush. I may use this as an excuse to get together with people. :-)

Lastly, I give you a tale of my misfortune for your amusement: It was cold yesterday, too, and everything was icy from the freezing rain the previous night. My mom was very nice and moved my car into the garage so that it could melt before I went to work. However, the leak along the top of my windshield where the metal has rusted has bested the bathroom caulking we put on it, and it freaking rained in my car as everything melted. ^_^ The was a puddle on the driver's seat, and every time I made a turn, droplets would fall sideways. I tried to press on the upholstery on the roof of my car to get some of the water to wring out and it just got my arm wet. Luckily I had a sweater dress-type thing to wear at work that covered the various wet spots on my clothing. ^_^


w00t w00t!

It's Saturday afternoon, which means that I do have other things I should be doing (like laundry and getting my hair cut), but I am feeling the need to blog/geek about something: Yay new X-Files movie!!! It now has a release date for July 25th of next year, and I am doing a little happy dance. A toast happy dance, if you've checked my Facebook. ^_^ Hell, I'm thisclose to letting out a "squee!" ^_^ But I won't, both because I'm above that (*nervous giggle*) and because my father is sitting behind me, playing cards on the main computer, and he would probably look at me funny if I made such a noise. ^_^