
Friday Reading

Courtesy of Angela. Any griping about how stupid/useless these things are should be sent directly to her. :-p

1. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? Sure.
2. Favorite country? Canada
3. What's your favorite song? I don't think I currently have a favourite. Maybe You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon. Fun. :-)
4. What is/was your favorite subject in school? Band
5. Are you good at impersonations? No. I don't even bother to try.
6. Drums or guitar? Oh, that's actually a tough one... drums, I'd say.
7. Have you ever been surfing? No. I'm waiting for a waterproof iPod so that I can listen to the Beach Boys as I fall off my board. ^_^
8. Movie at home or in a theatre? In the theatre for watching it, but having a movie on at home while doing something like folding laundry is really nice.
9. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? Yes. They're just rollercoasters.
10. Have you met anyone in real life after meeting them online? I don't think so...
11. Do you like arcades? Not particularly.
12. Have you ever had your heart broken? Not romantically.
13. Last hug? Last night, from Peter.
14. Do you have a job? What is it? I'm a denim monkey at Old Navy. It's about that exciting.
15. Explain what you think about abortion. Your body, your choice.
16. Coke or Pepsi? *shrug* Either.
17. Do you like the band Radiohead? What I've heard is good.
18. Have you ever gone to a mall? No, I've been living under a rock my whole life. WTF?
19. Are all the pigs lined up? ...? Possibly, but I doubt it.
20. Who is your newest friend? Uh... Stephanie, a girl in many of my classes that I talk to?
21. Best April Fool's joke ever? I liked hearing about the one CHED did when the weather was first measured in Celcius, and they claimed that we had also moved to metric time. ^_^
22. Lonely or lovesick? As in which would I rather be? Lovesick, because at least then there would be somebody around. Preferrably neither, though.
23. Do you know anyone who has never left their home state? I don't think so...
24. Have you ever been beat up? No.
25. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? Whih devil? Hades? The Christian devil? I don't believe in any of them, really, though, so no, I don't think so.
26. Last time you saw your mom? This morning.
27. Have you ever gone rock climbing? I've gone indoor rock climbing.
28. What is your favorite sport to watch? Uh... golf? *golf clap*
29. Have you ever peed your pants after age 8? I'm pretty sure the answer is no.
30. Do you hate someone? I used to. I don't know if I have the time/energy for it now. I don't see the people I used to hate anymore. I'll say no.
31. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? I know they have a real name, something like "tags" or whatnot, but I can't remember exactly what it is...
32. Croutons or bacon bits? Mmm... croutons.
33. Burial or cremation? Probably cremation.
34. Do you have a girlfriend? I have platonic girl friends, but being female and not a lesbian, I don't have *that* kind of girlfriend.
35. Cars or planes? Cars, I guess, because a plane would be expensive to operate.
36. Why do you admire people? Lots of reasons: skill, intelligence, charisma, accomplishments...
37. Do you own a car? Yes. It is old and the roof leaks.
38. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? I... don't know. Facebook and e-mail? How about in person?
39. Can you whistle? Yep.
40. For a guy: short or long hair? I don't have a problem with either, but different haircuts look good on different guys.
41. Abercrombie or Hollister? *shurg* Either?
42. New York or California? New York, probably.
43. Have you ever been on TV? When I was 8, for a news story on summer camps.
44. What is your favorite number? Either 16 or 9.
45. Have you ever gone a week without showering? Probably, when I was really sick.
46. Do you believe that animals have souls? Insofar as I believe in the existence of a soul, yes.
47. How much do you weigh? I honestly don't know. I haven't weighed myself in ages.
48. Rebel or goodie-two-shoes? More the latter. What do I have to rebel against?
49. Are you good at imitating accents? Again with the no.
50. Do you wear glasses? I require corrective lenses, and I usually wear contacts.
51. Collar popped or normal? Normal.
52. Gym or music? I don't understand h0w those are dichotomous. Music, though.
53. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? Uh, no.
54. Have you ever been drunk? Yes.
55. Have you ever been to a different country? A few.
56. What is your least favorite emoticon? There are way too many for me to choose a least favourite.
57. What name brand do you wear the most? Uh, Old Navy? American Eagle? Are those name brands?
58. Do you drink soda? Yes, but I call it "pop."
59. Would you eat sushi? Would and do. Tasty fish.
60. What is your favorite flavor in general? Cinnamon, maybe caramel.
61. Would you go skinny dipping? I'm sure there are circumstances in which I would.
62. Favorite food? Yogurt.
63. Who do you want to meet? Oh, I don't know... I'm sure there's a whole list of people, but I can't really think of one to write right now.
64. Name one person you hate, and why: N/A
65. Who do you trust? Uh, Peter... and my dog...
66. Sneakers or flip-flops? Sneakers, for the most part.
67. Do you wear deoderant? Yes.
68. Do you like taking surveys? Sure.
69. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? Jenilee, whom I've known as long as we both have been alive.
70. Would you flip off the pope? HAHAHA!!! That would be so amusing. Probably not, though. Despite not being a Christian, the Pope would probably be an interesting enough guy to talk to that I wouldn't want to preclude the possibility of that happening.
71. Do you consider yourself religious? No.
72. Do you send chain letters very often? More or less never.
73. Would you die for your family? No offense, family, but probably not.
74. Do you hold grudges? Not really.
75. Hug or kiss? I enjoy both, but get more of the former.
76. Do you like cows? They go "moo." What's not to like?
77. Flip-flops or slippers? I am all about the slippers.
78. Have you ever been to college? If by college you mean "University," then yes.
79. Logic or art? Oooh, both?
80. What's the best concert you've seen? Uh, I don't know, really. Some concerts you can't really compare...
81. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Oh, yeah.
82. Do you like the taste of blood? ...No.
83. Who do you NOT want to meet? I don't know if there is a person I wouldn't like to meet. Lots of interesting things can be learned from meeting people.
84. Would you run from the police? I'm sure there are circumstances under which I would.
85. Do you know any foreign languages? I speak English and French. It's up to you to do decide if either of those count as "foreign."
86. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? What *is* a Ruby Tuesday, exactly? Don't look at me like that.
87. Do you believe in magic? I suppose not.
88. Have you ever moshed? No.
89. Where did you go to school? Edmonton?
90. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? About 36 hours, I'd say.
91. Do you get motion sickness? Occasionally, usually in the form of a headache.
92. Would you be my friend? ...Possibly.
93. What is the last thing you said to someone? "In the Downloads folder right about there."
94. Do you have a cell phone? Yes.

And now that I've taken a "break" to go to class and drive home, I resume!

95. Hot or beautiful? Hot.
96. Have you ever been on the radio? No.
97. How do you usually dress? Casually, I guess.
98. Have you ever gotten your tongue frozen to something? An ice cube. Seriously! They melt quickly, though, so it wasn't a problem.
99. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? I have a boyfriend, so I'm quite happy in that department, thanks.
100. Have you ever seen Switchfoot in concert? No. Are they the scary ones? No, wait, that's Slipknot. Who are Switchfoot?
101. Have you gone on a date? ...Yes.
102. Have you ever gone to a private school? Nope.
103. Do you like working with people? I like working in the presence of other people, but not with other people. Working with people makes me want to end a life.
104. Favorite type of sock? Uh, black?
105. Do you have any piercings? Just in my ears.
106. Do you like dogs? Very much so.
107. Do you get along with other people's parents? I suppose. I'm not exactly friends with any of them, though.
108. Would you eat human flesh for money? If everything was clean and fully-cooked, and the person was dead anyway, and it was enough money to be worth the attention, then, yeah, what the hell.
109. Have you ever seen Nine Inch Nails in concert? No, but at least I know who they are.
110. Who of your friends can tell anything to you? Uh, Peter, maybe?
111. Pancakes or waffles? Mmm... waffles.
112. Do you want to talk to anyone right now? Not particularly.
113. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? Would and have. Some people don't like that, but I don't particularly care.
114. What is your dream job? That's a really good question. If I ever figure it out, I'll let you know.
115. Do you wear perfume? Hardly ever.
116. Who is the fattest person you know? Uh... there's a Drama student who was rather large...
117. How are you feeling right now? Ansty, and a little cold.
118. Do you brush and floss? Yes, but generally not together. I only floss when I have stuff stuck in my teeth.
119. Do you believe in aliens? Do I believe that life exists somewhere else in the universe? Yes. Do I believe that there are little green men abducting people and giving them anal probes? No.
120. What is your hair color? Blonde.
121. What's the most common name you know? Alex, probably.
122. What's the longest car ride/road trip you've been on? Probably driving to and from Vancouver in one day each.
123. When do you go to bed? When I manage to make myself. I'm no good at going to bed.
124. Who do you talk to most on the phone? Uh... I don't know. Joyce?
125. Do you believe in love? Sure.
126. What is your biggest weakness? Caffeine. And sugar.
127. Who is the stupidest person you know? I could nominate a few people for the category of "not that bright," but I don't know anybody really stupid, I don't think...
128. Who do you have a crush on now? Nobody. My boyfriend?
129. Do you sleep naked? No. It's not comfortable to me.
130. Love or like? As in, which do I prefer? It kind of depends on the person... Like, I guess?
131. Have you ever cut off a limb? Only of a gingerbread man.
132. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing
you thought? I hate my bangs.
133. What size shoe do you wear? Women's size 10.
134. What's your favorite car? I don't know... I'd like a Civic hybrid for my next car, if I could, though.
135. Have you ever had a crush on the same sex? No.
136. Have you ever been dumped? Kind of.
137. Best body type? On a guy? Uh, is sleek a body type?
138. Have you ever skipped school? Hell yes.
139. Would you do drugs? Sure.
140. What is your favorite male name? Uh... I don't know at this point.
141. Have you ever had a crush on more than one person at the same time? No.
142. Would you have plastic surgery? If I ever wound up with a severed finger, hell yes I'd want plastic surgery to have it put back on. I don't think I'd ever have cosmetic surgery, though.
143. Have you ever been on a boat? Yes.
144. Who is the most boring person you know? No idea.
145. What is your most missed memory? As in a memory I no longer have? Couldn't tell you.
146. Have you ever cried in public? Yep.
147. Favorite athlete? Uh... Jenilee?
148. Are you ghetto? *snerk* No.
149. Six pack or sweet? Sweet.
150. Do you believe in God? No.
151. Are you rude? I can be if I want to. I don't usually want to, though.
152. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? I know next to nothing about him.
153. You or your love? I don't understand this question.
154. Would you date someone you met online? Sure. I mean, I wouldn't agree to come over to their house alone without having met them in person a few times, but there's nothing about the internet that has to mean somebody is a creep.
155. Have you ever gone streaking? No.
156. Do you believe in soul mates? In a manner of speaking, yes.
157. Say something annoying. Pleeeeeaaasee???? (Well, I'd find it annoying.)
158. What is your favorite type of ice cream? Probably cookies 'n' cream.
159. What is your screen name? Uh, I use various forms of etoile_du_nord, I suppose, such as my e-mail address.
160. Would you date someone older than you? Would and am.
161. Do you memorize random facts? Yes. It's kind of annoying to me on occasion.
162. What is one bet you've won? I can't remember. Nothing big, that's for sure.
163. What kind of music do you hate? Not a big hip-hop fan, but I wouldn't say I hate it.
164. Have you ever been on a road trip? Yep.
165. Worst April Fool's joke ever? I'm sure if I remembered some from elementary school, they would be horrible, but I can't. Sorry.
166. How do you align yourself politically? I'd rather not, really, but probably more to the liberal end of things.
167. Last time you spent $100, and what for? A couple of weeks ago, when I bought a new power cord for my laptop. I didn't think it'd be that expensive.
168. Have you ever been to a concert? Oh, yeah.
169. One rumor that's been spread about you: Uh... I think in the seventh grade there was a rumour that I was dating a friend of mine. He was short, so people thought it was funny...
170. Mom or Dad? What? Uh, mom?
171. Can you cook? Yep.
172. What do you think about homosexual marriage? All for it. I'm sure that my sister and her wife love eachother very much, and I hope they're successful in conceiving a child.
173. Do you believe in life after love? Yes, but not in Cher.
174. Dogs or cats? I'm certainly more of a dog person.
175. Do you wear cologne? No.
176. Group or single dates? If you want it to be a special date, then single dates, but group dates can be fun.
177. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? Daily, usually, maybe twice a day.
178. Where did you get your last email from? Facebook.
179. Chocolate or vanilla? Probably vanilla.
180. Do you like the band The Shins? I am aware that they exist, but that is all...
181. Have you ever bought a car? No.
182. Have you ever been high... on life? Yeah.
183. Where did you last go on vacation? Vancouver, I guess.
184. How many ex boyfriends/girlfriends do you have? One. I am such a wild child.
185. What's your favorite album/CD? I don't know right now...
186. What is your favorite word? Spiffy is a definite contender.
187. Have you ever left the house naked? No, not even by accident.
188. One best friend or many good friends? Many good friends would be my choice, but, luckily, I don't have to choose.
189. Have you ever been asked for an autograph? Only when sales clerks use that term instead of signature for a credit card receipt. That's kind of weird, I think.
190. TV or movie? TV.
191. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think? Usually some version of "What time is it?"
192. What's your favorite movie? Hmmm... I don't know that one right now, either...
193. Who is the skinniest person you know? Kripa.
194. Do you get annoyed easily? Probably.
195. Have you ever been to a beach? Yep.
196. What was the last compliment you GAVE? I think I told my mom I liked her shirt.
197. Do you like celebrities? Uh, they're people? I guess I like some of them, but not because they're celebrities.
198. Have you ever performed on stage? Oh, yeah.
199. Who can you tell anything to? Uh, Peter, I guess?
200. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? I really want to go to Greece.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - you certainly had some stamina to answer that list. Some (many?) of the questions were rather insipid or just plain dumb.

However, my big question is this, based on your guitar/drum preference. Do you play drums? I sure wish I knew how to play drums. For some reason, when I was a kid my mom thought it would be a bad idea. Imagine that!