
Various Things About School

Monday morning. In Ed building on my laptop. Was in HUB, but Business wireless was sucking.

I desire input from people. I am having a mental debate as to the merits of various blog-type web services, namely livejournal. Blogger is small-time compared to livejournal, and I'm pining for its community networking abilities. I won't give up this blog, but I'm wondering if anybody with experience with livejournal can give me a clue as to how easy/hard/scary/boring the whole scene is.

So Peter's Convocation was on Thursday, and he actually went for the sake of his parents. ^_^ His dad gave him a really cool kind of wooden map of South America, with each country made out of a different kind of wood. I had class/rehearsal, so I couldn't go to the actual Convocation ceremony, but I was able to go out for dinner afterwards. We went to Shogun, which Peter has been going to since he was a teeny-tiny little person of the unable-to-walk-yet variety. It's a tepanyaki restaurant, and the chef who prepared the food recognized us and waxed nostalgic a bit about how long he'd known Peter. It was kind of neat. And much food was eaten. That place serves a freaking huge dinner.

In related news, Andy has invited my parents and I for Christmas. We had them over a couple of years ago, and Andy says that now it's his "turn." (Last year, Peter was in Calgary with his mom, so there was no turn to be taken.) It sounds rather nice to me, since neither of my siblings will be able to make it for Christmas (I assume--I don't actually know about Lindsay and Treleana), and I prefer to have people around for holidays. Man, I should start thinking about Christmas gifts. My Visa card is probably a little bored from lack of use lately, so it's time to rack up more debt. ^_^

Nothing else in my life is terribly interesting right now. School is in the crunch time phase. It sucks, but I'm alive and not actively contemplating being otherwise. ^_^ I have to do an arrangement of a chorale for woodwind quintet tonight/tomorrow morning. I hate stuff like that. I don't particularly care about adding the artistic aspects of arranging to my skill set, so it becomes essentially a demonstration that I understand the theory, which disappoints my somewhat idealistic prof. I really like my prof, but I don't think he realizes that this course can be applied to degree programs other than Theory and Composition, so he talks a lot about the artistic merit of arranging. I feel kind of bad stating that as a bad thing, because I really do think he's a great prof, but my world is too busy for sensitive, artistic arranging right now.

Course evaluations for the Music Department are this week. I look forward to those way too much. To quote Jane from the British version of the TV show Coupling: "I love giving opinions--I've got thousands of them!" ^_^ But I should stop rambling and go do something productive now.

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