
Squeaky and Broke, Among Others

It is Friday morning. I handed in my Orchestration assignment yesterday (though I later realized I forgot to add the Scherzando marking... oops), and now I must start in on my EDPY 404 paper. I am 95% certain that I'm writing it on externalizing disorders, like substance abuse, but if I run into serious problems while researching, that may change. We were given a list of topics to choose from, and while we could present our own topic for consideration if we wanted, that was supposed to have been done by the end of September, which it, uh, is not... ^_^ So, yeah, externalizing disorders. I'm not about to touch the adolescent sexuality topic with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole. It's just not worth getting that annoyed to write a term paper.

The backspace key on this computer squeaks. Like, "squeak"-squeaks. It would be kind of funny if it wasn't so loud. I'm in the Ed computer lab right now because the authentication programs in the FAB lab are borked. It was kind of weird walking in there and seeing nobody there, but almost all of the computers turned on at 9am. It had kind of a horror movie vibe to it. ^_^

I am annoyed at how long it takes for my paycheques to clear. I am broke until my last one clears, I think on Tuesday of next week. *sigh* I signed up for automatic deposits when I started working at Old Navy, but it never kicked in. Maybe I should re-apply. The whole being broke thing is rather problematic with my caffeine addiction. If anybody is stuck on what to get me for Christmas, Starbucks gift cards will be loved, cherished and used frequently. ^_^

Ok, now I'm procrastinating. (Best graphical representation of procrastination I've ever seen: A pocketwatch sitting in an armchair. There was also the sound of ticking. Ah, old Sierra games. ^_^) Time to get to work.

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