

Facebook is being fritzy, so it's on to Blogger for now.

It's cold. I wore my long puffer coat today, and had to scrape down my car. The window was still frozen shut, though, and I didn't realize this until I was trying to order at the Starbucks drive-through. I had to open my door. At 1:30 this morning I gave up trying to warm myself up up with two quilts and went and dug out my big heavy down one. Oh, that was so much better.

Can anybody explain to me the dynamic between the heavy emphasis on programmatic music in the 20th century and the novelty of new sound? It seems weird that new sound would be neither used as its own end (listen to the shit I can do!) nor incorporated into previous conventions (like faux-new-sound pentatonic scales in symphonic poems). Is it that there's such a strong emphasis on programmatic music in the 20th century that we just apply everything to that practice, kind of like a man with a hammer? See, this is why I shouldn't be in a 9am 282 class--I'm not awake enough to realize that some of this crap just doesn't matter, and I get myself into wonderings like these. I hope there's just some big point that I've missed that will make me go "Oh, well, alright then," and leave it at that.

God, what the hell does my body DO with the large amounts of caffeine I feed it in the morning? Store it away for a rainy day? I feel more exhausted now than I did at 7:30 this morning...

Oh, btw, if anybody wants a Friends and Family 20% discount card for Old Navy, pipe up and I'll get you one. It even rips in half so that you can give a card to another person, so that people I don't even know exist can get a discount on my behalf. ^_^ It's good from November 26th to December 2nd, so there's no real rush. I may use this as an excuse to get together with people. :-)

Lastly, I give you a tale of my misfortune for your amusement: It was cold yesterday, too, and everything was icy from the freezing rain the previous night. My mom was very nice and moved my car into the garage so that it could melt before I went to work. However, the leak along the top of my windshield where the metal has rusted has bested the bathroom caulking we put on it, and it freaking rained in my car as everything melted. ^_^ The was a puddle on the driver's seat, and every time I made a turn, droplets would fall sideways. I tried to press on the upholstery on the roof of my car to get some of the water to wring out and it just got my arm wet. Luckily I had a sweater dress-type thing to wear at work that covered the various wet spots on my clothing. ^_^

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