
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Beyond!

Ah, a day off. Not that I work a whole lot lately--I cut back to 20 hours a week--but I've been getting little four hour shifts, so I still work most days. Today, however, I do not. :-) I still have a cold, though, which is somewhat bothersome, as it's been a week and a half now. I very much dislike the kind of coughing that makes your lungs feel itchy. :-(

My life lately has been pretty ordinary. My cousin Ted is getting married on Saturday. I work Friday night, though, and Peter has his Thesis defense Friday morning, so we're driving down to Strathmore on Saturday morning. Peter was less than thrilled by the phrase "leave the house by seven." Peter's understandably nervous about his defense, but his advisor seems to think it's all good, and is talking about going out for lunch afterwards and stuff like that, so I don't think Peter's fearing impending doom.

Oh... The writing about the Thesis defense has made me think about what comes next, and that has made me scared... I'm torn between running and hiding and simply curling up into a little ball right where I am...

Also, I am sadly disappointed by Super Paper Mario, but I mention that only because it's a lot easier to feel bad about something inconsequential like that. ^_^

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