
GoGo Gadget Lawsuit!

There is currently a home-inspector-type guy looking around the house, documenting things that need to be fixed, collecting serial numbers from major appliaces and taking the odd photograph. I'm not sure whether this was my mom's idea or someone else's, but my parents are intent on using the deficiency results (and we know there will be some--black mould, anybody?) to sue Brass III, the builder. *sigh* I understand that this house cost a lot of money, and that things like bad plumbing that causes a mould infestation should neither be expected nor tolerated, but a lawsuit just seems so... much. This is a house. An entire house. This whole place was a dirt farm two years ago, and now we've been living in a really nice house since October. I tend to be a glass-half-full type of person, I guess (figuratively speaking), but I really must say that you'd have to be pretty off your rocker to insist that this house is only half-built (again, figuratively speaking?). Oh well. Better that my father direct his remaining anger tendancies towards an outside victim, especially one without a specific face. (Except Henry. Poor Henry.) He'll probably even win the lawsuit, though I have no idea what the particulars of the case would be. But, really, every house settles and gets a crack or two in the wall. They fixed the problem with the ovens, even if it did leave two holes in the wall. If you're really that angry, I'm sure somebody around would be happy to buy you a tub of Polyfill. Other than that, please make all threats using your inside voice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope they fix everything soon, i can see your parents pushing for this. :)