
Two Days of Socializing

Something new that I learned today: Red Bull works, and it tastes like Rocket candies (the Canadian kind).

Teacher's Convention didn't really teach me anything, though. It wasn't as bad as I feared it would be, but it was of almost no use for professional development. Lots of jewlery booths in the trade fair area. A session on how Rita Burns and Jayne Mongomery-Barnes run their programs. (I went to Avalon, and nothing really has changed there.) A session on training singers. (The Alexander Technique is really easy to get wrong.) A session on the role of music in the lives of adults with careers outside of music. (Romeo Ochoa is an interesting man.) A session on a fiction writing program this woman will come do with your English class for a week. (She wasn't familiar witht the term antecedent action.) Today I missed the first session because I showed up for the second session thinking it was scheduled for the first block. So I got myself a chai from Remedy and ran a couple of errands. *Then* I went to watch a session consisting of the Northern Alberta Junior High Honour Band rehearsing for an hour and a half. (Their concert was this evening, but I did not attend.) Then I skipped the last session and walked around the trade fair. (There was lots of free candy there, too.)

School is still going well. This coming week is one of the few five-day weeks I've got. Apparently, we have two PD days. Here's hoping they're at least not unpleasant. Last term, the PD we had was unpleasant.

It's really cold in the basement of my house, which is not good because my bedroom is in the basement. Right now I am wearing long-sleeved, long-pantsed pajamas and fuzzy slippers, and I'm under my down comforter, and I'm still frozen. Shades of Montevideo. My "warmth box" on the computer power cable isn't even warm right now! :-( So I think I will go turn on my space heater and atempt to sleep. I will attempt to post something interesting soon.

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