
E-mails and Evil Nails

It is prior to 9am on this Wednesday, which, since I fell asleep at roughly 1:30 last night, means I did not get as much sleep as I would have liked. My eyes feel sandy and I am rather irritable. Man, I'd have hoped that if I woke up feeling like this that I at least would've had fun the night before. Oh, well...

In any case, now that more of us are back in town, we must all get together and see eachother. PRi, Morgan and others, answer your e-mails about seeing Sean and Iva! I want to hear stories about Chicago from you, too! Spiffy pictures, btw... =)

In other news, they're going to be cleaning my street, probably today, so I'm going to go move my car into the driveway. I am so looking forward to having a clean street--I have had sooo many flat tires since moving into this construction area. Well, okay, maybe only 5 or so, but that's a lot of flat tires for 7 months... Speaking of, I should call Fountain Tire about getting my latest one fixed. It's a slow leak, and I've just taken to filling it up every 5 days or so, rather than taking it in.

And then I must get coffee.

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