
Post 401

Wow, I've made a lot of posts to this blog. Then again, I've had it for... what? Three or four years--I can't remember which. *huggles blog*

I'm feeling better than I was a couple of days ago. Things are going along swimmingly. I got my laptop back from repairs a mere few days after sending it off. I had been told that it would take 8-10 days, so that was a pleasant surprise. The downside is that I'm still getting the error message that my AC adaptor is invalid, even though they replaced that. They also ran standard tests and cleaned it up (and replaced a piece of broken plastic--yay!), and they say there's nothing else wrong with it. Personally, I can live with a little error message every time I boot up my computer. I'll keep the software updated and hopefully everything will be ok. Oh, and another bonus is that the new AC adaptor they gave me has a 2-pronged plug, rather than a grounded one, so it fits into the power adaptors I bought without me having to break off the grounding prong. :-)

I'm currently ripping CDs Peter asked me to copy. I figure I should do his first, seeing as how I'm not sure that I'm going to get through all of my own. I only have a little over half of my CD collection on my computer, and I was hoping to have them all ripped by the time I leave, but I highly doubt that's going to happen. I have CDs that I've never even opened. Now, granted, most of those are CDs I know and I've just never bothered to listen to my own copies, but, still, I feel bad about that. ^_^ And then there are the CDs that I got for school and want to forget forever. There are only so many Haydn string quartets one person can take. o.O

I've been attempting to juggle my medication so that I can take as much with me to England as possible. I have three months' worth waiting to be picked up at the pharmacy and another three weeks' worth at home, so I should be good so long as I don't lose any. Blue Cross will only pay for three months at a time and won't allow refills until you're two thirds of the way through the last amount you got filled (so two months through for three months' worth), so that's the most I can get before I leave. If my doctor had written me two perscriptions instead of one with a refill, things would be different, but, honestly, I thought my Blue Cross coverage expired in July, so I'm happy as a clam with the deal I'm getting. :-D Yay for pshychopharmaceuticals! ^_^

I organized make-up and toiletries today. I have less make-up than it seems when you look at my tiny drawer of it. The drawer looks cramped, but all of the stuff I'm taking only fills up about half of a Ziploc freezer bag. That's more than the bare minimum, but I don't feel as bad about bringing make-up as I was expecting to, and I'm glad to be able to do things like bring five lipsticks instead of restricting myself to three or something. Occasionally, I am such a girl. ^_^

Speaking of being a girl and having lots of certain things, I have a huge pile of clean clothes on my bedroom floor. Somewhere beneath them is the laundry basket that housed the first load of laundry I did a few days ago. I have one more full load to do, but I've been procrastinating. ^_^ I then need to fold it all and decide what exactly I'm taking. With clothes, I will definitely have to impose some limits on myself. Peter owns very little clothing, and I'm sure that he's going to balk at how much I bring, no matter what. I estimate I'll wind up taking 60 pieces of clothing, plus underwear/socks/etc. That doesn't sound too bad, I guess...

There's a girl from James' Ottawa office staying with us for a little while. And, by "us," I mean "me," because my parents are currently in Banff for a judges' conference. I've barely seen her because she's been spending her days at the constituency office and her evenings at the campaign office. Tomorrow's Saturday, though, so hopefully she'll get a day off. She hasn't had one since the campaign started, apparently. o.O I think I'll lend her my car so that she can go to the mall or something. :-)

Currently importing Strong Bad Sings. Peter didn't ask me to import this one, but I found it on his bookshelf and I really wanted to. ^_^

And I think that's as much rambling about pointless things as I'm allowed for today.

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