
Post 404

Owowowow! My foot hurts! Did I mention that I hurt my foot on Friday? Well, it hasn't gotten any better, despite staying at home all day yesterday so that I could rest it. Walking downtown is far less pleasant than it should be. I'm starting to get vaguely worried.

So setting up a new house from more or less nothing is time-consuming and difficult. We bought a toaster on Monday for £6, so I can now have toast. We still need garbage cans. And food that isn't starch or seasonings. Our land line kicks in tomorrow morning, at which point we will be able to sign up for internet service. For some reason, Virgin is about half the price of BT. Peter wants to buy a TV, which is nice in theory, but it's money I'm wary of spending. We've gotten the power and water switched to our names (no gas), and the lease agreement is all signed and everybody has keys and such. I'm resisting unpacking because that means laundry will seem less avoidable (twisted logic is twisted). >.<

I bought a phone today. It's an LG KS 360. It was available in pink from the carrier I went with (Orange), but they didn't have any in stock, so I went with blue so that I could at least finally have my own phone. It's a smart phone, so I'll be able to check my e-mail and facebook and such with it. It's not charged yet, and I don't feel like digging out my number just yet, but I'll post it on facebook once it's all up and running. =)

I miss my dog and my friends and my family, but that stuff happens. As long as I have exposure to the outside world every day, I should be all right. Staying home yesterday to rest my foot was unpleasant, no matter how many DVDs I watched. And it didn't even freaking help. Grrr...

I'll stop rambling now. I hope everyone is doing well. I'll be posting regular updates and such, so stay tuned. =p

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