
Tea and Its Various Associations

Hello, fine people! Life in London continues to be a mixture of interesting, mundane and bizarre things. Or, well, something like that. Peter is currently talking to himself, wondering where Old Man Barlowe went. If you don't know what that means, then don't talk to him when he's wondering about it--all you'll get is a very ditracted half explanation with at least five seconds of silence in between each spoken word. It's kind of amusing, but kind of not...

I broke a plate cleaning up after dinner tonight. We have a broom, so we were able to sweep up all the shards and dust and whatnot, but we don't have a dustpan or vaccuum or anything like that. So I picked up the tiny little shards and dust with scotch tape. I thought it was a rather resourceful idea. :-)

On Saturday, Chris and I went to meet with a couple of his friends in town. They had 2 for 1 coupons for an IMAX movie at the science museum, so we went and saw a film about the international space station. It was narrated by Tom Cruise, and, despite being half price, not that interesting. Peter, who stayed home to work on a paper, had seen it before and absolutely loved it, but that's because he has a weird affection for the Russian space program, as well as space exploration in general. Afterwards, we went to Harrod's and wandered through the food halls. That place is crazy. In a good way. It has many wonderful foods, but I still couldn't find Orange Pekoe tea. *sigh* Oh, well. It's not like we actually own a kettle or anything.

This reminds me of two things. The first thing is that I had tea last night because I had extra boiled water from making Jell-o! It was a different brand, but it was still very tasty. Also, it didn't come in a powder, but intstead in gelatinous cubes, like very dense Jell-o. I took a nibble of the corner to see what it tasted like; it was slippery and not worth eating straight. ^_^ But, yeah, strawberry Jell-o for desert last night made me happy. :-D

The second thing is the escapades my mother has been having trying to ship the stuff that didn't fit in my suitcases. Long story short, she's not going to be shipping anything. Instead, I'm going to bring two more or less empty suitcases home with me at Christmas and bring my stuff to England that way. But, yeah, at first, when I left, all of my stuff was in boxes with packing peanuts and all that jazz. My mom went to ship it and discovered that she needed a copy of my passport main page and of my visa, as well as itemized lists of what was being shipped with values of everything. Cue my search for a scanner. A few weeks later, I *finally* manage to find one, and I send my the scans to my mom. My mom then spends an hour at the UPS store talking to them. In addition to all the stuff my mom got together (she even repacked my stuff so that there were fewer boxes), they needed a form for me to fill out and fax back. That was more or less ignored, though, since the shipping would cost $530. Even if she only shipped a quarter of what she was planning on, it would have cost hundreds of dollars. So, yeah, no shipping.

The reason tea reminded me of this is because my mom was going to ship me a box of Red Rose (Orange Pekoe) tea, but now I don't get any until Christmas. :-(

However, on the bright side of things, tomorrow, I am going to a taping of a talk show where the guest is Robin Williams. Chris puts his name in draws for tickets to television show tapings, and he "won" four tickets to this, so he invited Peter and I to come along with him. I've never seen Robin Williams without editing before, so it should be fun. :-) I wonder if they do an audience warm-up thing like some talk shows do. Those kind of rub me the wrong way. Oh, well. It'll be a new experience, regardless. I shall inform you all of it at a later date. :-)

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