
Yawn Count: Six

I should really go to bed. It's 1:30am on Sunday night/Monday morning. Unfortunately, I slept in until after noon today, so I'm not the least bit tired right now. Wait, I just yawned. I think I'm just warm, though. I've been uncomfortably warm while trying to sleep lately. I have no idea why, but my bedroom gets really warm. And there's mould growing on the window. Just on the glass, though, so it's easy enough to clean off, but, still, ew. It was noted on the forms when we moved in, so we're not going to get charged for it, regardless, which is good, but, yeah, I don't like mould.

Wait. I was saying something about how I should go to sleep. Heh, and I just yawned again. Maybe if I write that I should go to bed enough times, I'll actually fall asleep. Well, that'd probably happen eventually, anyway, since the time I'd spend writing would be time spent awake, so I would get tired at some point. And there's another yawn.

I have grand plans for tomorrow. They include getting lost while trying to find that brass shop I went to last fall. They may also include getting coffee, but I broke down and bought some Nescafe freeze-dried stuff the other day, which I can stomach, unlike Peter, so that's been feeding my cravings/addiction. Maybe I'll go to sleep if I have a cup of coffee. This guy I went to high school with claimed that coffee put him to sleep, but I suspect that's because he drank lattes, which are mostly warm milk. And there's another yawn. I should start keeping count. That was what, my fourth one so far?

I'm itching to read another Chuck Palahniuk book. I was thinking aout Survivor the other day and that kick-started the urge. I'm kind of interested in Rant, just because of the name. Unfortunately, Chuck Palahniuk books are bad for me. I know this, yet I continue to read them. And then they take over my brain for a while, and I hate that. Actually, I think that, first, I'll re-read Breaking Dawn, the last book in the Twilight series. I had some serious problems with that book, and I want to see if I can reconcile them by reading through it when I'm familiar with the whole thing. Hmm, I haven't yawned in a while. And typing that didn't make me yawn. I fail at yawn psychology.

Okay, with some persistence, I've managed yawn number five. In other news, my headset is broken, so I need a new one. I bought the one I did because it was the cheapest, and it seems that I got what I paid for. Not that I can afford to buy a better one right now, mind you. And yawn number six has come unprovoked; this is a good sign. I don't remember if there's a Curry's (electronics store) in the mall at Stratford, but I think I'll go there tomorrow, anyway, since it's the closest Sainsbury's (grocery store) to my place, I think, and I hate lugging groceries all the way back from central London, where I usually am, and, therefore, where I usually shop. I'm out of cereal. This saddens me, so I must rectify it as soon as possible. Looking at my water bottle on the coffee table in front of me, I realize that I haven't had any Ribena this weekend, and I want some. Mmm, Ribena.

Yawn seven seems unforthcoming, so I think I'll go mix myself some black currant deliciousness and see where life takes me from there.

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