
Thank God it's Saturday

I just called up a friend of my parents. He left them a voicemail asking if my dad wanted to buy some kind of cognac or another, and I called back to tell him that my dad was in Mexico. His wife answered the phone, and I asked if I could speak to Charles. When Charles got to the phone, I said "This is Janita Burgess." Charles said "Janita, is your dad home?" I know that it's actually neither, but I'm not sure whether that's rude or nuts...

I had dinner last night with some people I haven't seen in a while. They're friends of Jenilee's that I used to have lunch with along with Jenilee, but, since Jenilee's not in school this year, I hadn't seen them for a while. We went to Boston Pizza in WEM because a couple of girls were going to the shooting range in the mall beforehand. The rest of us took the opportunity to shop. I didn't buy anything, but Jenilee bought a fair amount, despite not needing clothes.

My APT class had a discussion yesterday, triggered by Craig Brennan telling us about his similar experience, about how we're all sick of what we're doing. I, personally, am sick of pedagogical theory. And assessment theory. I want to go back to FAB, sign up for Wind Ensemble and *music* theory, and never set foot inside the Ed Building ever again. I'm not sure if going to student teach would be an acceptable substitute. ^_^ As long as I don't have to explain why diagnostic information and prescriptive information often need to be contradictory. Or be able to perceive ostinato meditation techniques in music. Or justify giving one mark for each correct note in a scale test, seperate from tone, tempo, etc. Can your brain vomit?

I went to the car reapair place yesterday to retrieve some things out of my car. My parents decided to rebuild the transmission, and the length of time that's going to take is longer than I really care to go without my phone charger or parking pass. *sigh* Poor car... Speaking of, I should e-mail my parents.

Not much else has been going on lately. My dog is annoyed that it's too cold for more walkage. My parents come back on Wednesday night. Playing a full-sized tuba makes you sore the next day. Peter's curling today in the annual History and Classics Graduate Student Association's Bonspiel. After my experience last year, I elected to sit this one out. ^_^ And... yeah, that's about it.

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