

When I was in high school, I had almost exclusively recurring dreams. This was probably tied to my chronic deja vu, though, unlike the deja vu, the recurring dreams weren't bothersome. In university, I stopped having those dreams and I started dreaming about busses. I don't anymore--I stopped dreaming about busses when I stopped taking the bus regularly. I still dream about busses whenever I start taking the bus again, though, if my car in incapcitated or something. The main content of these bus dreams was always about deciding which bus to take. Certain buses would be faster, or would come at more convenient times, or would get me closer to my destination, or would have friends I could talk to on them, or all kinds of things that made me uncertain which to take. Sometimes I even dreamt that certain buses required different passes and then I had to figure out which passes I had on me and were they current or expired and could I pay fare if I didn't have a pass and, if so, how much was fare?

I'm talking about this because I was just on Tickle, a quiz site, and was taking a PhD-certified dream analysis test. It said that my dreams were motivated/caused mostly by curiosity. I'd rather like to know how that's the case. Maybe I'll dream about it.

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