

The past couple of days have been crazy. Monday, I didn't get to school or to work, due to illness. I'm quite tired of being sick. I'm wondering if the blck mould in my house has anything to do with it. My mom's been sick for a while, too. The guy's supposed to be coming today to remove more drywall; we discovered more mould behind the baseboards, and the Capital Health website says we hadn't done enough to make thigns safe. There's a print-out of a brochure on the desk next to the main computer at home.

The rest of the insanity involved school, mostly. I'm section leader in Concert Band, and supplementary trumpet player in Wind Ensemble, which meant that I had to juggle my work schedule and drop my non-mandatory course so that I can get everything done. I feel pretty good about the way I worked things out. I was ticked at first about the ensemble assignments, but I've missed playing in a band enough that I was willing to take whatever I got. I honestly only know three of the names of the trumpet section in Wind Ensemble this year. I think that has a lot to do with not having been around last year. Stupid not having been around. A couple of the other ensemble assignments were weird, too. Chelsea Mandrusiak was put on thrid trumpet in Concert Band, and that's it. She's been in Wind Ensemble for the last two years, and she played a really good audition (I was in the hall outside 1-23 at the time). She was not impressed. Mind you, this is the girl who auditioned for Julliard right out of high school, so she's not impressed with being at the U of A in any case. ^_^

The class I wound up dropping was my Drama Theory course ("From Aristotle to Artaud"). It would have been insteresting, but a huge amount of work, so when I had to lose either work or a class, dropping that class was a no-brainer. The first Concert Band rehearsal was last night. for some reason, the euphs are to the right of the tuba, not the left, so I'm sitting next to a euphonium player who was a student of mine last year and is in BMus/BEd majoring in clarinet. She's playing clarinet in WE, which finally has a sane number of clarinets, rather than the four that Deebs allowed. Anyway, there I am playing the high Bs in this chorale, and doing so quite well, if I do say so myself, and then kind of quasi-collapsing in quasi-annoyance at having to play this piece over and over again, especially when it's a piece I've played before. I really wish people who think well of me wouldn't come close enough to see otherwise. ^_^

Today, I'm going to go buy myself some new boots. :-)

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