
Google is My BFF

It's Friday morning and I want a cup of coffee like a comfort blanket. I already had a triple grande non-fat latte this morning, though, so I should probably abstain from caffeine for a while, no matter how tired I actually feel.

I wrote a mini-paper for my Music History class this morning on the Enlightenment style of Gluck's Alceste. It was (and was supposed to be) a page long, double-spaced. I did the "research" (reading of the textbook) last night, then took 45 minutes this morning to write the paper. It'll be graded as a draft, then I'll have to revise it and submit a final copy at the end of the term. There will be five such papers throughout the term. For some reason, people were really nervous about this assignment. I was more nervous about the listening quiz on Monday, and with good reason. I wound up failing, apparently from lack of detail. It was a 6-minute quiz--I have no apologies to make for only writing a page and a half. *annoyed*

Speaking of annoyed, I seem to be spending my life in a constant state of annoyance and especially frustration lately. I've been frustrated at the unprofessional conduct of people around me (like the percussionists who Never. Stop. Playing. No matter what.). I've been frustrated at the unproductive use of class time by my profs (like my Ed Psych prof who stops for 15 seconds after each sentence he speaks, like we're writing every word down). I've been frustrated by the tedious and unchallenging nature of my life in general right now (I fold clothes and write 250-word "essays"). I think I need a pet project. Something to give my brain to do. Anybody have any suggestions on what that could be?

In any case, I'm teaching a trumpet start-up clinic on Monday, and I can't seem to find any good labelled diagram of a trumpet amidst my stuff, so I'm off to Google images.

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