

I should really check to see if Blogger has some sort of comment notification function. I never know when somebody's commented on one of my posts--I have to actually look at my blog to see, and I don't do that very often (especially since I don't get many comments). Although, I must admit, it was highly amusing to get randomly flamed once and not notice until the person who did it posted another comment on my latest post to tell me to go look at it. ^_^

The skin on my shoulders and chest where I got sunburnt is starting to peel now. It's very distracting to play with. It doesn't hurt anymore, though, which is a relief. See, this is why you don't go to the beach--all you get is a sunburn, dried-out hair and a lot of sand in your clothes.

I was looking at flights earlier today. Expensive. I'm insisting on flying out of Edmonton, though, even if I can save money by flying out of Calgary. Taking the bus is just too much of a hassle. Tomorrow, I will get in touch with my travel agent aunt, and hopefully she will be able to get me something decent. Also, I'm apparently coming home for Christmas. Peter is, anyway, and it's cheaper to get a round-trip ticket than a one-way ticket (wtf?), so I figure what the hell. My parents should be happy. I should tell them...

I think House season four comes out on DVD on Tuesday. I will be buying that, and I will be getting Peter to watch the stuff he missed. Silly raiding, getting in the way of watching television. Heroes season two comes out a couple of weeks later, I believe. *checks calendar* Yep, two weeks later. I will also buy that. Silly writers' strike, messing up the schedule so that there was only half a season. Oh, well. There will be a full season this year. I'll have to find a reliable source for downloading episodes of series that don't air as soon in the UK as they do in the US/Canada. Anybody know of one? Searching through sites like mininova gets a little tiresome, especially when it's not specified that an episode is dubbed or something.

The new Ikea catalogue came with the paper today. I was surprised, since I went there yesterday and asked about the catalogue and was told that it wouldn't be coming out until after the September long weekend. It was a pleasant surprise, though. It got me thinking about furniture and such, though, and I should double-check to make sure Peter gets a furnished place when we move. At least he's not against studio apartments like I had thought he was. The whole finding a place to live thing is stressing me out, though, so I'm going to shut up about it now and hope it goes away for a while.

I heard back from my advisor only a few hours after I'd e-mailed her, which was nice. Unfortunately, she told me I had to talk to Donna. *sigh* Fine. I'll e-mail her on Monday. She's rather scary, though, and I'm half worried that she'll do something like withold my degree out of spite. This is the woman that called me in to yell at me for not filling out the paperwork to take a reduced course load and then realized that she'd lost it, though, so I'm hoping this is indeed just a matter of some sort of bureaucratic glitch. Bah, more stress. >.<

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