
I Worry Too Much

It is way too hot. Actually, it's not that hot outside, but it gets really hot on the second floor of Peter's dad's place, and that's where I am right now. We've got the windows open and the fan going, but that does remarkably little. I have been drinking water all evening in an attempt to not melt. So far I have been semi-successful.

Peter's doing arenas in WoW right now, and it's always kind of depressing to hear him discuss strategy with his partner after they've lost a match. Hell, even when they win, they talk about what went wrong. It's like an exercise in telling yourself you suck. They're fairly good at it, but they don't ever seem to congratulate themselves or each other when they do well. Like I said, it's kind of depressing to listen to.

I'm hoping that everybody will RSVP to our going away party soon. Without hearing from everybody, it's just becoming something else for me to worry about. >.< It's not actually that big of a deal, but my brain is all like "An unknown variable!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!" I really need to stop with that. As another example: I got my plane tickets booked, and I got on the same flight home as Peter. I booked my seat, which Peter has yet to do, and I suggested that he do the same. His dad booked the ticket and Peter has no idea how to go about reserving his seat. His dad's also out of town until Wednesday. Waiting that long is making me anxious. *facepalm*

Speaking of Peter's dad and travelling, the lot of us are going to Jasper next weekend. Dave, Sheryl, Andy, Simone, Peter, and I, to be precise. I really don't know why we're going. Apparently we're under no obligation to do anything in particular with anyone else. *shrug* I'm not exactly a fan of Jasper (mountains bad), but it seems like it'll be a nice little trip.

I slept a lot today, so despite it being midnight, I'm not the least bit tired. I woke up at about 11 this morning, and then I had a headache and slept for a couple of hours this afternoon. I suspect that may not have been the best idea. Apparently Peter also slept a bit this afternoon, but that's because he hardly slept at all last night, having to work at 6-something this morning. Blah. In any case, we're both awake and were having trouble figuring out what to do. I'm staying the night over here because we haven't done that in a while, but the lack of tiredness has kind of left us just chilling in each other's vicinity.

Maybe I'll go chill downstairs, where there's actually the possibility of being, well, chill-er, as opposed to being at risk of heat stroke. At the very least, I need more water. Otherwise... *death*

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