
20 Things About MeMeMe

I was tagged by Sheryl to do this a while ago, so I thought that I'd actually, you know, do it.

“Here are the rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 20 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 20 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.”

1. MySpace scares me. Just... because.

2. I can cook, but I'm not terribly fond of doing so. I much prefer food that can be eaten as-is.

3. On Monday, I'm going to walk into the Canadian Embassy and ask for a job. I have no idea how successful I will be.

4. It was a life goal of mine to never be arrested so that my fingerprints/DNA/etc. would never go "on file." Then I applied for my UK visa and they had to take my fingerprints, so I'm now considering a life of crime.

5. I eat a lot of foods with my hands if it's an option. It's just so much easier to pick things up and tear or bite then than it is to deal with cutlery.For instance, I'm currently eating lamb chops with my hands so that I don't have to fuss with cutting around the fat.

6. I'm almost deaf in my left ear because I had a disease called cholesteatoma when I was a teenager. At Peter's suggestion, I am elaborating on this point to mention that I had a hole drilled through my skull for the first surgery to remove the cholesteatoma cyst. It hurt, so they gave me morphine.

7. I have a partially eidetic memory. Not that I've ever heard of somebody with a completely eidetic memory, but mine's not good enough to go around calling it eidetic without the "partially" attached to it. My father and my brother (and I assume my sister, as well) also have eidetic memories. Peter calls mine my "crazy prodigious memory."

8. I am learning little bits and pieces of advanced economic theory from Peter. It makes me want to read more Dickens. And then it makes me want to not read Dickens.

9. I have an astigmatism that my contact lenses can't fix. I've tried several brands of torric lenses to no avail, so my optometrist and I eventually decided that I would just get glasses to wear over my contacts, since I only really needed the astigmatism correction for reading and looking at screens.

10. Despite living in England, I don't much care for going to the pub. It doesn't stop my brother from suggesting it, though. He likes it, and I feel like a wet blanket for not wanting to.

11. I want to be a conductor. Of wind bands, preferably, rather than choirs. And definitely not of electrical currents. Silly Peter, suggesting silly things.

12. I don't blink when I play Rock Band. Or when I look at any screen, really. I'm too focused on watching. After every song in Rock Band, I close my eyes tight and rub them to make up for their lack of hydration.

13. Despite the fact that I have online pseudonyms, like etoile du nord and Blayllis, I rarely am referred to by them. Instead, people just call me Janita, or 'Nita.

14. Despite the fact that there are very many things that I would like to study, I'm not going anywhere near school again for at least a couple of years. 19 years is enough for now.

15. I enjoy dramaturgy. I glibly say that it is a dramaturge's job to be right. There has been a variety of responses to this statement.

16. I brought my Bescherelle with me to England. I have an inexplicable fondness for it. Plus, it could be useful if I get a job where I need to use a lot of French.

17. I bit my nails until I was 14, at which point I discovered that long fingernails drive me crazy. Now I just keep them short.

18. I hate writing lesson plans. This isn't the biggest reason I had for deciding not to teach, but it's certainly near the top of the list. I didn't write lesson plans for a large chunk of my APT. My mentor teacher said he might have been worried if he didn't feel that I knew what I was doing.

19. My favourite food is yougurt. Mmmm.

20. There are 2079 songs on my iPod. This is meagre, I know, but I haven't bought CDs in a long time.

I'm not tagging anybody because Peter needs his computer back and thinking of people to tag would take a while. If you want to do this, then please do! =)

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