
I Am Becoming Nocturnal

It's about quarter to three in the morning, and I am not even entertaining the notion of sleeping just yet. My sleep patterns have been all weird lately, and I think I've been sleeping too much, anyway, so I don't feel terribly bad about this.

I miss my computer. I should have it back early next week, I believe. That's still far too long of a wait, in my opinion, but it will be happy and healthy upon its return, so I suppose I can put up with a few more days of using Peter's. It's a perfectly good machine, but, understandably, he uses it for schoolwork, leaving me with little to do around the flat. I actually bought a book the other day, which I've almost finished. It's called Chasing Harry Winston, and it's by the same author who wrote The Devil Wears Prada. It's kind of a beach read, chick lit sort of thing. The characters are all insufferable, of course, and they weigh 95 pounds each despite the copious amounts of alcohol they consume. I bought it because I wanted an easy read--I was getting tired of Borges and essays. I actually went to the store hoping to buy the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books, but I couldn't find them. I wonder if they're sold in Britain, and, if so, if they're called the Sisterhood of the Traveling Trousers, or possibly the Traveling Jeans. I'm not sure what I'll do after I finish Chasing Harry Winston. There's always my Bescherelle...

I am still in a kind of limbo here in London. Basically, I had the good old fashioned plan of "Go to London --> ????? --> Profit!" and I think I'm stuck on step two. I've been looking at job postings, but I haven't applied to any yet. I hate job hunting. I wish there was some sort of Job Fairy that would magically appear and tell me that I start Monday. It doesn't have to be my dream job, just one that's tolerable and pays the bills. I'm certain such a job exists even though everybody and their dog seems terrified of the Credit Crunch over here. I actually kind of wish that newspapers would shut up about it already. I have no debt, no assets, no investments, and I'm not concerned about job security. In other words, I am outside the realm of people affected by the Credit Crunch. All I need is 900 pounds per month for the next five or six months. Hell, I could probably live off of 800 if I was careful. Unfortunately, the British media doesn't really seem to care, so it continues to publish stories about record losses for businesses and ways to celeb watch on the cheap.

Also, baby carrots in England require to be washed, peeled and trimmed. To me, that just totally defeats the purpose of baby carrots.

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