
Happy New Year!

It's not quite 8am on January 1st, 2009. No, I'm not still awake. Rather, I woke up almost an hour ago because a cold was preventing me from breathing properly. I think I was snoring. It was making me dream that I couldn't talk properly. I seem to have been very prone to colds since returning to Canada. A pile of used Kleenex is slowly but steadily accumulating next to me. Blah.

It's still dark, as is typical for this hour at this time of year in this part of the world. If it wasn't for the plethora of clocks telling me it's 8am, I would have guessed it was a few hours earlier. I guess I haven't been getting up early enough this winter to really remember what time it gets light out. I can't say that I really mind that, personally. ^_^

New Year's Eve was good. Peter, Jenilee, and this guy Jenilee's started seeing were all over at my place. We watched Ratatouille and played Trivial Pursuit. I actually won Trivial Pursuit. I was rather surprised. Jenilee brought over cookies (and brownies that didn't turn out so well), and between those and the spinach dip I bought (and the pizza), I ate waaaaay too much. The pizza had a lot of cheese on it, which I think made me more full than I expected pizza to.

I'm not making any New Year's Resolutions, even though there are a few I could. I could resolve to get a job, but that's something that's going to happen anyway. And I don't want to think about it right now. I hate job hunting with a passion. I could resolve to be more diligent with taking my medication on time, but that's like resolving to worry more. I could resolve to get into better shape, but I don't know if human beings are physiologically/psychologically capable of taking that resolution seriously.

As for the whole deal of 2008 in review, it was good. Finishing school (finally) was nice. Moving to London has been an experience. Nothing much else happened.

Yeesh. My mom just opened the front door, and I could feel the rush of cold air all the way down here in the basement. It's freezing out there. I think that's my cue to go back to bed, even if it is starting to get light out.

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