
And it Squeaks on Contact ^_^

Yeah, so I have failed to find my wallet thus far. When University buildings open again tomorrow (since today is Fall Break) I'm going to go back to Campus 5-0 and ask if anything's been turned in yet. I've now got myself an interim driver's license and a new bank card, plus a new Amex on the way and my both my mom's and my Visas are on "protection," which means that nobody can use them and I have to call to either lift the protection when I find the cards or cancel them when I give up. I have not yet bothered with a new Alberta Healthcare card or ONEcard. I'd really like to find my wallet, since things like my LaSenza discount card an my CostCo card, which I probably won't bother to replace, are in there. I've checked everywhere my wallet could reasonably be. You name it, I've checked there. I am annoyed...

Elsewhere, my finals start tomorrow with Inclusive Ed. Yaaaaaay!!!!! ...or not. Oh, well. At least now those classes will be over. My group got a 91% on our IPP project, so I'm not too worried about my grade in that class. I am, however, rather uncertain as to what to prepare for my student teaching. But we'll jump off that bridge when we get to it, as they say.

I've switched my Blogger account to the Beta, and the "Labels" bit is kind of odd. The examples they have are "scooters, vacation, fall." Huh. I wonder if I should start a "rant" category, or a "ramble" one. Or rather use the labels as a rating system for how stable I'm feeling that day. I could rate them from 1-5 and be able to trace patterns of my bad days, as well as giggle at my choice of words at those times. They see a Rolodex, I see a hammer. ^_^

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