
Things My IPT Has Taught Me (So Far)

1. Photocopying is your mostest bestest friend.

2. 15-year-olds in the suburbs don't give a crap about politics.

3. Spending your weekends doing things like moving dozens upon dozens of cases of wine does not contribute to you being alert and happy come Monday morning.

4. Abused kids can manipulate the hell out of you.

5. I spent an apparently abnormally small amount of time on my hair as a teenager.

6. Kids that can scream loud enough to make you cringe during rehearsal can't talk above a whisper when they're on stage.

7. I was happier to have forgotten the necessary logistics of most teenage romances (ie, they only see eachother at school, so they, uh, express their feelings there).

8. Build a coffin along with your set--it's cheaper and more likely to be needed during prep for extra-curricular productions. Update it every few years as you gain or lose an unhealthy amount of weight.

9. One Acts are either really boring or too advanced for Drama 10. (I compromised by giving them one of each.)

10. Even when *everybody* (student, teacher, parent, administrator) tries their best, some kids just aren't that bright.

11. If outside attempts at help could blow up your classroom, you'd be "pathognomonic," too.

12. Dry erase markers in the hands of high school kids can be remarkably hazardous. Ditto with the erasers. My poor warm-up description... :-(

(Hi, Micah! Nice to hear from you!)

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