
Hooker/Forwards... Tip?

So I figured I'd write an actual post instead of a list of things I should have all ready known. Well, that and I'm procrastinating writing my mid-point self-evaluation. I wonder if I should mention that when I write it?

Things are going well, though I'm really tired. I sent a kid to the office for the first time today. I didn't actually mean to send him to the office, but he was refusing to work and I finally had to tell him to either work or go to the office, and he went to the office without even batting an eyelash. he was having a bad day, I guess--at the beginning of class, he took a 0 on his scene presentation rather than attempt and fail it. Maybe he was in a bad mood about his low mark in Math.

Ok, so that was not a necessary remark. ^_^

The performances of How the Grinch Stole Christmas are this week, and since there are morning shows for school field trips, classes are being messed up. I have to teach my classes in the Music room tomorrow and cover my mentor teacher's CALM class. I have no idea what the 6 Drama 20 students who aren't in the play will be doing during second block. As long as they don't hurt themselves, damage equipment or tick off an administrator, though, I'm not too worried, and I doubt they'll do any of that. Or, well... They're a lot better than my Drama 10s, at the very least. ^_^

I've got my kids working on a script analysis assignment right now. One kid so far has questioned its validity. I was honestly expecting more, but I haven't gotten any. For some reason, though, the concept of writing a Character Bone Structure seems to really confuse them. For example: "But, the scene doesn't say what colour his hair is!" He's a man in his 30s; his hair could be brown, black, blonde or even red. Choose one that occurs naturally with the eye colour you've chosen for him. I guess it would be easier if they knew how to interpret information from the script, eg, the character who talks about hating to pay property taxes that support social programs for the poor is probably more of a Conservative, economically speaking. Apply that to the parts of the Bone Structure that ask about his political bent and economic status. I worry that this may be me being a "bad teacher," but past a certain point, the only way to learn how to do something is to do it. After having gone through the script with the class and answering every question the students had about the assignment sheet, they need to work on their own. They have to be able to follow instructions, rather than only answering a question when they're sure they've been given the right answer, lest they waste time thinking or writing stuff they don't need to. Ok, getting a little bitter now.

In news outside of my student teaching, Wednesday is Peter and I's three-year anniversary. We're celebrating tommorrow (Tuesday), though, since on Wednesday Peter will be playing WOW and I'll be scrambling to get my next assignment organized to give to my students on Thursday. Reader's Theatre. I don't know how they'll like that. Anyway, we've decided to go to Jack's Grill to celebrate. I should think of a gift to get him, I guess. I mean, I have gift ideas for Peter for Christmas and such, but for an anniversary, I want to give him something to which his reaction won't be "Very Nice!" or "Great Success!" (Have all you guys seen that movie? It's so wrong, but so, so funny. ^_^) But I guess I've procrastinated long enough and now I shall go work. :-(

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