
Merry Merry!

'Twas the evening of Christmas
And all through the house
Five creatures were stirring
Having gotten rid of the mouse
The bottles were placed
In the recycle with care
In hopes that the garbage man
Soon would be there
And I puzzle and puzz
Though my puzzler is sore
Then I have an idea I haven't before
Maybe Christmas, I think
Isn't so much a snore
Maybe the Champagne, perhaps
Does it a little bit more

Ok, so i'm vaguely buzzed on Rose Champagne and I'm feeling silly. It is 8:54 pm on Christmas Day, according to my computer clock, and I send everybody the best and such! I got a 3-in-1 printer with which I can do flatbed photocopying. It made me happy. :-) My brother went the simple route and got me an American Eagle Outfitters gift card and an HMV gift card. Very nice. :-) My mom liked all the gifts she got, and my dad is willing to try all the gifts he got. My Christmas pajamas are bright pink with polar bears opening presents on them! ^_^ And I got new slippers, which is good, because I haven't been able to find my old ones for the past couple of days. ^_^

My brother and my dad are upstairs watching Monday Night Football, because it is still Monday, after all. My mom is letting Farley lick all the plates as she finishes cleaning up. We did the traditional turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and veggies (broccoli, in our case) with cranberry sauce and gravy for dinner. I am very full. And warm. It's really warm upstairs and I haven't quite cooled off since coming down into the basement to use my computer. Maybe it's the slippers and the angora sweater I've got on. I should think about changing.

My sister and her wife sent out parcels with Christmas gifts for us, and one of them was great--a box of four candy canes, each with a gummy Care Bear attatched to it! My sister and I share a love of Care Bears. I gave her a Champ Bear a while back. She's one of those "kidult" types, if you can a 30-year-old an adult these days. ^_^ Anyway, I think I'm going to give Jenilee the Friendship Bear one when I meet her for lunch tomorrow. We tried to go for lunch yesterday, but she had to go to Beaumont. I think we're just going to Joeys tomorrow--I was only somewhat awake when I talked to her. In fact, I slept for a couple of hours this afternoon. It was very nice. :-) That's the way Christmas Day should always go: Get up, open presents, have waffles for breakfast, futz around with gifts, take a nap, wake up, get dinner ready, eat, relax, eat dessert, do something fun. Jenilee wants to go Boxing Day shopping tomorrow. I'm not sure that's such a good idea. I've done it a couple of times, but since there's nothing I really want to go look for, I don't see any reason to subject myself to the insanity. We'll see, though, I guess...

In any case, pumpkin pie awaits. I hope you all are having very good evenings! I'll see many of you on Friday for PRi's dinner. Yay, more turkey!

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