
Thursday Night

I feel very odd right now. I've had a migrane for a few days, and I feel kind of dizzy and nauseated, and I can hear a sound like shifting sand in my ear. Luckily, I've taken thousands of milligrams of Advil today, and nothing actually hurts. I didn't eat dinner until just now, and I hadn't realized how hungry I was--I feel much better than I did half an hour ago. But, yeah, these things can be remarkably debilitating. I made a doctor's appointment for Monday to get a new kind of medication, since the Cafergot isn't working for me in the least anymore.

It is Reading Week. This makes me happy and well-rested. I have been keeping busy, of course, what with going to my grandfather's funeral this past weekend. Winnipeg was bloody cold, but I guess that goes without saying in February. There were fewer people than at my grandmother's funeral, but it was still well-attended. Everybody cried. I bought Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? at the bookstore in the airport on the way out, and I guess I should finish it. It's a very easy read. I brought my copy of Blink with me to read, originally, but I really wanted fiction. I described Blink to my mom and Kathy (who came to Winnipeg with us), and they both declared that it sounded like something they couldn't ever be interested in. They laughed.

I was using Netscape on my parents' computer earlier today, since nobody's bothered to download Firefox, and it prompted me to download an update. That seemed weird to me--I thought AOL put Netscape to bed?

Joanne will be arriving in Edmonton in a few days. This calls for socializing!

Yummy thing I discovered today: Easy Mac with BBQ sauce. Mmmm...

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