

So I have a contingency plan. Even if I am successful, I worry that getting the marking system for my Francais course so that it's fair (with the intervention of the administration, as that's what's required) would be a logistical nightmare. The retroactive changes would require that all assignments be recollected and remarked, and some of them have been torn up and thrown out because the unfair grading system turned their 70% assignment into a 0%. I worry that the marks wouldn't be fairly altered across the board. Really, the students aren't obligated to keep their assignments just in case somebody proves that the prof is being a jerk (though he is a perfectly good guy, otherwise--I have no problem with him as a person or as a teacher, just as a marker).

My contingency plan is thus: withdraw from the course; the deadline for doing so with a grade of W is March 14th--I just checked. Then take some other language in the Spring/Summer terms. Not French, because that would require a placement test, and, also, I'm currently bitter. You know, for a place that's desperate for students, Faculte Saint-Jean hasn't been very good to me. I took a course there in first year and hated it so much that I changed my minor. At least I passed that course (though only with a 5 on the stay-9 scale). (*huff* I'm upset right now and am therefore making many typos. Excuse me if I don't catch them all.) And now with this marking insanity that probably has my grade at around a 20%, I am further annoyed with the place.

Maybe I'll take Spanish. It'd be fairly easy for me, plus it would be useful to be able to say something other than "Tengo fria," especially if I wind up living someplace warm come the fall.

The biggest problem, I think, will be convincing my parents. I think they'll be more ok with it when they realize I'll be done school only about two months later than expected, but the paying for two more courses worth of tuition may not go over so well.

I need to calm down. I going to go make some tea, maybe, or do some breathing exercises. I just saw my GP this morning, and she suggested that I get physiotherapy on my neck and shoulders to see if it helps with my migranes. I just can't imagine why I would be tense, though!

*seeths some more*

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