
Tonight vs. Tomorrow

The packing continues. Yesterday, I managed to get all of my DVDs into a CD binder that I asked Peter to buy me for my birthday. Amazingly enough, they all fit in, including all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls and all nine seasons of X-Files. There's even a fair amount of space left. This makes bringing my DVDs much easier, since the binder isn't much bigger than a shoe box. The cases are still in piles on my floor, though. ^_^

Speaking of X-Files, the second movie comes out tomrrow and I just bought two tickets to the 1:10 showing at South Common. Please allow a brief moment for me to be excited: *squee!* I don't know who's going with me, though I suspect the answer is Peter because he's not working, whereas Joyce is and Jenilee is out of town. All three of them have said that they'll come with me, but the 1:10 show is the only one I can go to without having to rush to dinner immediately after.

There is Thai food tomorrow night. Jeremy will be in attendance, as will Eric and Jo, hopefully. I haven't seen Eric and Jeremy in a long time. The usual suspects will also be in attendance, which is good, since I still have Pri's coat from when she left it at Peter's place on Canada Day.

All in all, tomorrow is looking to be a very good day. Right now, however, I am bored. I'm avoiding playing WoW because I just sent this guy I play with an e-mail, and I'm waiting for him to discover it. He makes lots of (amusing) "inappropriate" remarks, and at one point I emoted that I was imitating the fake orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally. He'd never heard of it. I explained, and he decided that I should make a video of myself imitating this scene. I told him I would, and so I sent him an e-mail with a link to the clip from the movie on YouTube, but claiming in the e-mail that it's my own video. This way he gets the initial shock of "She actually did it?!" but then it's a fake-out. With Jenilee out of town, this guy has said that I now have the job of entertaining him until Sunday. *facepalm*

Actually, I'm in the mood to watch a movie, but they're all in the binder, and I don't want to disturb the harmony of the newly stored discs. Feel free to think I'm crazy and/or give the computer screen a weird look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! *Facedesk* Have fun with that one : P
