

So it's been about a month an a half since I've updated my blog. At first I didn't really have anything interesting to say (my Spanish class is boring, etc.), and then I didn't feel like relaying everything that had happened since my last update (Peter got me a stuffed Puppy from the Bilbao Googenheim, Vegas was great, etc.). At this point, however, I'm just blogging to unwind before I go to sleep. It's kind of nice.

I went to the dentist today. All's well, though the hygenist bumped my gum with the polisher while it was spinning and it hurt for most of the evening. There was also a small mix-up with my chart because I went to another of their locations for my last check-up/cleaning. These are the exciting things that happen at the dentist.

I also submitted my resume to a temp agency today. Hopefully I'll hear back soon. I can't imagine that I'm not at least qualified enough for them to interview. Well, I can, but I don't like to because it makes me nervous. The English/French bilingual thing always helps me look good on paper, and two undergraduate degrees can't hurt. Education is all about the paperwork, after all. ^_^

After seeing the dentist, I stopped next door and booked an appointment with the optometrist because, now that I'm no longer a student, my Blue Cross coverage under my parents' plan runs out on my brithday (which is 9 days from now). It's actually the third doctor-type appointment I have next week. I have one on Monday, one on Tuesday, and now the optometrist on Wednesday. I need new lenses in my glasses because every time my perscription has changed just a little bit I haven't bothered to change my glasses because I wear them so rarely. But now that my coverage is about to run out and I'm leaving the country soon, I figure I should get the lenses updated. Maybe I'll see if my mom will spring for new frames. I like the ones I have, but they're overwhelming on my face, and I've kind of outgrown my taste in that. Plus, they're three or four years old, so it's not like I haven't put them to good use (every morning and evening ^_^).

Peter and I were talking today about when to leave for London. We're not entirely in agreement about how necessary it is to have a place lined up before we get there. Also, he wants to leave about two weeks earlier than I'd thought, which means less time for earning money for me. It turns out that he has to be there on the 25th of September for registration, which is stupid because the earliest you can move into student housing for the term is the 28th, but that's looking like a moot point since they apparently make most offers of student housing in June and we have yet to get one. Can't win 'em all, I guess. Still, it is slightly frustrating that the PhD student they want badly enough to give a free ride and then some isn't guaranteed housing. The school does help students find private housing, Peter says, but when I talked to him earlier this evening he hadn't looked into what that help entails, exactly, so I'm still not entirely un-nervous.

Also, I have found out that the Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme visa comes into effect in November, which is too late for me. My brother was saying that he'd heard that it would allow employment for all 24 months of the visa's term, rather than just 12, but neither he nor I have found anything to back that up, so it's not looking like there's any disadvantage to just going on the old Working Holidaymaker's visa.

I haven't kept a journal in the past year, which is the first time since the age of 11 that that's been true. Writing this entry, it feels kind of nice to organize my thoughts and whatnot.

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