

It is Monday and I am considering school a refuge. The past five days have been insane. Wednesday, I painted. I got a fair amount of it done, but I still wound up priming the trim and painting it on Thursday and Friday, respectively.

Thursday, the movers came. 13 hours, many sore muscles and an astonishing amount of money later, almost all of our stuff had been transferred to the new house. And it was all in piles. Very disorganized piles. The upstairs great room and the downstairs rec room (or at least I think that's what we're calling it) were filled with furniture, boxes and a whole bunch of random stuff. I decided that we have an unhealthy amount of stuff. We went for Mikado and then I went to Peter's place to pass out, since my room was in too much disarray to sleep in.

Friday was better, in that I slept in and more or less just came over to the new house to paint the trim in my bedroom. Then I went to work, and it was boring. Stupid being out on the main CD floor on a Friday night. I read Fark for a while, but there's only so long you can get away with that. Then I went to pick up Peter and we went to the History and Classics Graduate Student Association (HCGSA)'s Hallowe'en party. It was at the Iron Horse, as last year, but this year there were a couple of scheduling snafus. We were supposed to have the entire second floor for the party, but they double-booked it. Something about a guy getting fired. Their solution to this was even less helpful--rather than just have the two parties sharing the upstairs, they opened it up entirely. There were lots of younger girls doing their best to show off their sexy costumes. There were three girls in tight orange miniskirts and wifebeater tanktops; I have no idea what they were supposed to be. I had a reasonable amount of fun, considering that we only wound up staying half an hour, but it was still a reminder as to why I don't make a habit of the Whyte Ave bar scene.

Saturday, things were back to being nuts. The dog came back from the vet, where he'd been staying while we did most of the work. He seems somewhat traumatized. He keeps trying to leave the new house, but on the occasions when we've taken him back to the old house, he wanders around wondering where everything is. Also, my dad had a fight with our pantry that had me hiding in the basement for most of the afternoon. See, when the shelves were being put in our pantry, my mom wanted fixed shelves, but my dad vetoed her and insisted on adjustable shelves. So, when my dad was putting food away, one of them collapsed. He did a great deal of cursing and snapped at me when I tried to get some lunch. My mom bought braces and my dad fixed the shelves in place himself. This took several tries, a great deal more cursing, and my mom breaking down in tears more than once. My dad is not a carpenter. First he put the braces on the wrong side of the shelf, then he was mistaken about where a wall stud was, then he had to recalculate the distance between shelves. As far as I can tell, though, he did in fact finish on Saturday, bit I'm not sure because I left to go to the birthday party of this girl named Pam. who is the girlfriend of Greg, one of Peter's officemates. I played Cranium for the first time. It was different than I thought, but very amusing.

Yesterday, I assembled furniture and got my room to actually look like a bedroom. I've now got an assembled new TV stand, complete with now-old TV, and an assembled bookshelf. I also unpacked most of my stuff, and I'm having trouble finding a place for some things. The storage closet I used to have was a lot bigger than this bookshelf, and I didn't have to worry so much about its asthetics, since I could just close the doors, unlike the bookshelf. So, as it currently stands, all of my furniture is in place, but there are half-unpacked boxes all over my room. I'm going to go sort them out later, after I've signed the copy of the IPP we'll be handing in on Wednesday. I have to go do that in an hour. Until then, I'm just killing time. Maybe I'll go to the zoo and chat with people...

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