
Would You Like a Cookie-Cookie?!?

I just wrote the weirdest midterm. It was in my Assessment class. It went quite well, but, considering that it was a test on testwriting, there was a fair number of mistakes. For instance, one correct answer (C) didn't have a period after the C like A, B and D did. We were supposed to determine the taxonomical level of a hypothetical science class question, but two of the alternatives, including the keyed answer, were invalid. There was a grammatical error with one of the items pertaining to the article-noun relationship of the stem with one of the alternatives. Lots of little things like that--things which teachers do all the time, but that this class teaches us to specifically look out for and avoid. I thought it was kind of ironic.

I also did a group presentation of an article in my Policy Studies class today. It was gravy. We used a clip from "The Office," where they had "Diversity Day (take two)," since the article we were presenting was on "Culturally Responsive Classroom Management," and it was a hit. Steve Carrell is really good at playing a jerk. ^_^

Wow. My bedroom is right above the garage, so you can hear when the garage door opens and when the car door shuts and when somebody opens the door into the house and all that jazz. My mom just came home, and my dog didn't move from beside my bed until the garage door had finished opening, and, even then, he stood at the top of the stairs until my mom came in and shut the door behind her. Farley must be losing some of his hearing. I've noticed it in the past couple of years that there are things that *I* can hear better than he does, which is kind of disheartening. My puppy isn't a puppy anymore... :-(

Tomorrow is Friday and I have no classes. I do, however, have to work tomorrow night, but that's fine, since money is good. :-) I also work on Saturday, and neither shift is a cash shift! Yay!!! Lindsey Coulter told me today that there's going to be a huge rearrangement of the CD floor (again), and that this time we'll be getting back the extra space at the back of the Jazz & Classical room that has been dedicated to storing extra shelves for about the past year. Yay, more room! I wonder if this means that I'll be spending tomorrow night pushing shelves around and transferring CDs...

In any case, I am in a good mood right now. *does little dance*

1 comment:

chris burgess said...

This is not a comment about your latest post, but rather a comment on the new description you've got going. If I was a lesser person, I'd make a joke about it. :P