
The New Busy

It is Tuesday at noon hour and I am at home doing laundry. Speaking of, I should go change the loads while I think of it.

Now that that's done, I can inform you that I've finally caught up on blog reading. I've been a little too busy lately to do that. Hell, I've been going three-day stretches without even checking my e-mail. That's just not a good idea... But, yeah, things are somewhat calmer now. I have to present an article on cultural diversity in my Ed Policy Studies class on Thursday, and I have to dedicate my weeked to doing my part of the IPP for Inclusive Ed, but that's not too much work. Oh, I guess I do have my assessment midterm on Thursday, too. Damn. Oh, well--the presentation doesn't take much, so I can fit both in tomorrow night. Although, I've just checked my work schedule, and I work Friday night and all day Saturday, so that will cut into my IPP time. God, I hate that course.

In happier, non-school-related news... ummm... Oh! I haven't mentioned yet that we've gotten possession of our new house! We got possession on Friday. The appliances were delievered yesterday and installed today. The guy who was supposed to put up closet shelves bailed, so that has to get finished. The vacuum system hasn't arrived yet, because we ordered it on Friday when we realized that the house came with all the plug-ins and whatnot, but no actual central system. I bought paint yesterday to repaint my room. And that's about it. Oh, wait, we're short one built-in soap dispenser. The one's there, but not the other. No idea what's going on with that. But my dad's out of town this week and my mom's been spending all her time at the new house. She has to work tomorrow, though, so hopefully that will temper her madness. Despite the list I just made of things that need to be done in order for the house to actually be inhabitable, it's looking great. The mud and construction surrounding it will take a bit more time, but it's not home without the beeping of tractors in reverse. ^_^

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