

*hugs blog* I haven't updated since classes ended, but I wish to express my love of my blog and Blogger. It is simplicity, and I am so glad of that.

It's Sunday night, and not much is going on. I have my last two exams tomorrow (Ed Psych) and Tuesday (282). I am vaguely worried. I mean, really, who *likes* writing finals. Wait, don't answer that. I don't feel like being baffled and angry right now. ^_^

My Ed Psych course has done something that I think is key in becoming an adult--made me scared of adolescence. ^_^ I'm mostly kidding, but, really, there was a time during this course when I wondered how I'd made it out of my teens alive. Ironically, I've had more troubles since leaving my teens than I had during them. I see traits of adolescence in people I know, probably because I'm now aware that they exist. It's distressing, because, for some reason, I have gotten the impression that these are negative traits. I'm not entirely sure why that is. I should maybe look into that...

My dad is on the desktop computer behind me, and it took him less than four minutes to get ticked off at something "not working." Now he wants me to fix it. Use another goddamn browser! And stop clicking everywhere over and over in frustration; it just gets things jammed up. *sullen*

Wow, that really brought my mood down. Let's see, good news to blog about... I'm getting more hours at work over the holidays, which means more money. Yay, money! It was _very_ busy today, but that's to be expected on a Sunday with less than two weeks before Christmas. Firefox's spell checker is telling me that "Yay" is not a word. It suggests say, nay, ray, lay and cay as alternatives. I'm not even sure what cay means. Dock? Bay? Beach? Something completely different? I should go fold laundry. Or sleep. I will probably do neither, though. At least not for the next few hours.

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