
Killing Time

It is the last day of classes, and I have Choral Tech in half an hour. My completed concert program assignment is sitting next to me. Bob's letting me hand it in without penalty today, since he hasn't had time to mark them yet, anyway. That makes me wonder why they weren't due today in the first place. Oh, well. Join the Dance, the trio of Lewis Carroll poems set to music, is on my list. That makes me happy. ^_^

I have to work tonight and for some reason I really don't want to. It's only a 4 hour shift, and I could definitely use the money, but the notion of showing up to work after it gets dark is just so unappealing to me. It's like I should be tucked away for the evening or something. Stupid brain, thinking weird things like that.

This is not killing as much time as I hoped. Usually, I'm surprised by how long it takes me to write a blog post (not that they tend to be all that short), but this has only taken five minutes so far, which means I have another 15 minutes to kill before heading upstairs. My Mini Gloria conducting on Monday went well. I missed two cues, I believe, and I almost made a backwards conducting pattern, but, other than that, all good, as far as I could tell. I forgot to look nice for the occasion, so I doubt I exuded the authority I needed to. Kind of like on Saturday when I went to the dress rehearsal wearing pyjama pants and a t-shirt. I talked to one of my students from student teaching last year, asking him why a trumpet player who'd graduated wasn't in Concert Band (it was because she'd gone to Grant Mac), and he didn't realize it was me. Apparantly, he'd gotten me mixed up with someone else. Later, he asked what my first name was. I thought it was kind of funny that I was very aware of my old students being around, but one of my best didn't even realize who I was. This is what happens when you wear pyjama pants and a t-shirt instead of work clothes. ^_^

I think I'm going to lay off the caffeine over Christmas break in the hopes that my tolerance of it will diminish and I will require less to stay awake and alert. I'm beginning to suspect that coffee actually makes me sleepy, what with the still being sleepy after a triple grande latte in the morning. I went to high school with a guy who claimed that coffee made him sleepy. He thought it was a cool fact about himself. I liked him, but I cringed every time that came up. He never drank regular coffee--he always drank Starbucks. The steamed milk probably had more of an effect than the espresso, what with his system being used to pop and the like. I remember hearing once that he was falling asleep while driving because he'd had coffee. Apparantly his friends were a little worried. Especially after taking this Adolescent Development Ed Psych course, I've become very aware of teenagers' desires to be the exception to a rule. Between egocentrism and the Personal Fable and whatnot, I'm surprised more people don't demand to be special. Maybe backpacking through Europe and living in a college dorm feels special enough, though...

Ok, now it's time to go to class.

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