
Formal Hemogloben Inebriation

Just got back from rehearsal. Chad didn't show up, but Alex did, so we did a bit of fine-tuning for the blocking. Alex told me he sings with the Richard Eaton Singers on occasion, and that he considered getting a BMus in '84 before he got tenure as a Drama prof. I thought that was kind of neat.

The formal was most excellent. My camera battery died partway through the night, though. I've got some nice pictures, which I will post later once I've charged the battery, and Morgan's gonna send me hers, which will hopefully round out the collection. Jackie got really drunk right off the bat, and Katie was upset by this somehow and went on a vengence binge, thus getting even more drunk than Jackie, to the point that Megan and Kate had to take her home before the end of the second set. Her waving goodbye was hilarious. Asides from that, Sarah got a day pass from the hospital to come. Turns out she doesn't have pneumonia, but her hemogloben (sp?) was down to 52, which Morgan gave a double-thumbs up to.

There weren't any pictures of me in the slideshow, which made me feel kinda sad and old, even though I'm only fourth year, but there was one close-up of Doug giving this kind of skeptical face, which was hilarious. ^_^ There were a lot of pictures of the first-year guys who sit behind me in my 281 class whom I don't particularly like. *old person harrumph*

Asides from that, I'm taking today off. I slept in, which was glorious, and I plan to sleep in again tomorrow before the Wind Ensemble concert. Speaking of which, I did some of my makeup before the dress rehearsal last night, but someone in Con Hall had jacked the heat up, so a large amount of it kinda melted off. Boo. ^_^ And now back to our sporadically scheduled loafing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing as how I didn't make the slideshow until my last year (I think) I consider the fact that I'm on there now a major triumph. That is unless there's another Doug usurping my position...
