
Sun Jammin' 1

Hands up!
Baby, hands up!
Gimme your heart
Gimme gimme
Your heart
Gimme gimme

Fuck Ed Psych. Sitting on the couch, spending quality time with my computer and a magazine and my dog is much more important. Now if only my dog wasn't jealous that my backpack gets to sit next to me. He keeps trying to edge himself in between it and me.

I need to go find out my Alberta student number. I know I have it written down in one of my high school agendas. If I don't give Donna the form for internal transfer by tomorrow, I have to pay the $75 fee. I think this is the first time I've ever been happy about Donna's existence. Unlike the last time I dealt with her, when she lost my paperwork okaying my reduced courseload. Grr...

Don't think twice
Or count to ten
Don't take advice
Don't ask me when
Just look my way
Simply kiss me and say...

In celebration of my sister coming into town today, we're going out to the Unheardof tomorrow night. I think it's also kind of an early birthday dinner, since her birthday's in March. Good God, I've had a lot of food lately. When my mom got back from Winnipeg last night, we went out to Il Forno, and even though I didn't eat nearly as much as my parents, or, God forbid, Peter, it was still a lot of food. So I'm fasting today. Except that I ate breakfast. And a quasi-lunch. Well, okay, not fasting, but I'm not going to feel good after a meal at Unheardof no matter what I do today. Oh, well.

I signed up for the summer jazz band course. Dominic Spera's not teaching it this year, Tom Dust is, but it's also been rescheduled to the beginning of May instead of the middle of August, so it's much more convenient to take. I also should start thinking about where to apply for a summer job. Costco apparently starts their cashiers at $11.50 and doesn't have any PLUs to memorize. Hmmm...

Let me by your Romeo
Your wonder boy
And your super champ
(and your super champ)
Let me take you
Tot the Milky Way
On a holiday
(on a holida-ay)

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