

It is Saturday. And it is Reading Week. These two things in combination make me especially happy. :-)

So in honour of my sister coming to visit, we went to Unhearof last night. Fuck, that's a lot of food. My mom was saying that bulemia as real appeal sometimes. She's even purchased Epecac (sp?) to that end, although she hasn't taken any, I don't think.

On a less morbid note, Lindsay brought pictures of her 2-year-old chocolate lab, Frodo. He's so cute! I bought him chocolate doggie biscuits from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for Chirstmas, which he apparently loved. My brother rolled his eyes at that one.

I don't really have any specific plans for Reading Week. The only assignment I have is a Music History assignment that allows us to make up 8% of our midterm mark. We had the retest on the order of the Mass yesterday, and I'm more or less certain I got full marks. But, really, I passed the midterm, so this whole endeavour is just gravy to me.

Looking forward to Pri and Morgan's birthday part tomorrow night. Haven't had a night of hard-core hangoutage in a while. Maybe I'll see if I can steal my brother's two sets of bongos...

Yeah, I have little to say right now. For those of you who care, I've updated the Tinuviel Henneth link (I'm so far refusing to call her Tinhen). I still have nothing else of interest to link to. Maybe the U of A website? Wait. No... Maybe we should start a lownj website. There've been people looking at blueprints in there lately. I think we should start a tribute/attempt to save it. Anybody feel like coding it?

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