
Godot Would Be Faster

Contrary to the comment I just left on Morgan's blog post, I have in fact decided to make a New Year's resolution: to reformat my computer. It is now afflicted with the randomly-close-your-browser virus/spyware/annoying thing. This happened to Peter's comupter a while back, and it was really freakin' annoying. Then something happened to the computer and it wound up getting reformatted kind of by accident... Anyway, I've been meaning to do this for a while now--I've even got almost all my stuff backed up--but I just haven't gotten around to it. It seems like now is as good a time as any, since I'll have time to put everything back together before I need my computer for class. And I'll still be able to use my parents' computer (which is what I'm doing now) if I have to. Still, though--stupid computer.

It's just past 11 am and I am waiting for someone to show up to fix the shower door. They said they'd be here sometime this morning, and so far they haven't failed to live up to that, since it's not yet noon, but I'm not holding my breath. I actually had to wake up in case they did show, though, which is probably for the best, since my sleep patterns have been quite off-kilter lately. I made myself go to bed at 2 o'clock last night when there were no more CSI reruns of any stripe to watch. That show occupies an odd spot in my TV life. I like it (specifically the original), and I'll usually choose it over sitcom reruns and the like, but it's very full of implausibilities and errors that, if I decided to actually declare myself a fan of the show, I would have to come to terms with. Then again, from my perspective, being a fan of something is a rather larger declaration than it is for some people, since I have the dubious advantage of knowing what being a "fan" can mean. I've gotta say, though, that I think a ridiculously fun and exasperating job would be some sort of television dramaturgy position as a "fandom expert." But I doubt that anybody reading this knows what I'm talking about at this point, so I'll move on. ^_^

I finally checked my daytimer today and now know for certain that classes start on Monday the 8th. I was convinced for a while that classes started on a Wednesday, since that's how Fall term goes, but I was wrong. :-( Oh, well. I'm looking forward to my classes this term. If I remember correctly, they're from 9-12 Monday to Thursday, with Ed Band Thursday nights and Fridays reserved for an unscheduled class about Ed Band. I wonder what I'll play. I think I'd be good with anything except the clarinet. That was sooo my worst instrument. ^_^ My first choice would, of course, be the saxophone, preferrably bari, since that's the closest thing I have to a second instrument, but I get the feeling that I should expand my horizons a little more. Maybe play the tuba. ^_^ For those of you who've been in Ed Band, what did you play?

Hmmm... I think it's time for breakfast.


Anonymous said...

I was so boring in ed band....I played the flute:) I suppose not being a music student at the time had something to do with the choice of my instrument. Maybe it was for the best. At least there was one flute player in the band that could read higher registers;)

Jo said...

Morgon, I forgot you came to Ed Band!!!! That was awesome:)
I played, ummm, percussion, french horn and trombone. Percussion was most fun, although learning french horn and trombone better was fun too.

'Nita said...

Hmmm... no offense, Jo, but I think I'll stay away from the double-reed instruments... ^_^