
I Miss Mandy

Too funny.

Thanks, PRi. ^_^

It is Sunday morning and I am in my pajamas and slippers, sipping a latte from my cute latte mug and generally enjoying life. :-) My throat is slightly sore, which worries me as it tends to be the first sign of a nastier kind of cold, but for now I'm choosing to believe that it's just because I was breathing through my mouth while I was sleeping, thereby drying out my throat, and all will be well in an hour or so.

In slightly less happy news, I have to reformat my conputer again. It takes about five minutes to boot up, mostly just displaying a black screen, then displays Windows all funkily and tells me I need to reinstall some Configuration dealy that I don't think I generally need to be aware of the existence of. Then it won't do anything. It'll try its damnedest to open applications when I ask it to, but it just can't seem to manage it. It can't seem to shut down, either. I actually tried just turning the thing on, then turning it off. I went to take a bath while it turned itself off, and when I came back, like, 25 minutes later, it was still displaying the "Saving Your Settings" screen. I've been having to take the battery out to get the thing to shut down. Needless to say, I have no idea what's going on, and I can't exactly work to fix it when it won't do anything. So, my project for the afternoon will be to reformat the thing again. Luckily, I hadn't put too much work into the last reformat I did, just downloaded applications and tweaked their settings, rather than, like, having ripped my entire CD collection again. *head swims at the thought of how long that would take* Then again, I think I'd just get the program that takes the songs off my iPod, instead. But I'm rambling now.

EDIT: I fixed the problem without reformatting! Yay, me! The recovery CD that I could've used to reformat also had an option to reinstall specific components and applications, and I found the one I was looking for on that list. *does happy dance* On the other hand, I rented two discs of CSI Season Five to watch while I worked, and now I have no work to do. ^_^

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