
Hello, Saturday

I just applied for convocation. I'm trying not to be nervous or scared. I'm not sure if I'm succeeding. I also have the bizarre urge to paint my finger nails. I don't think I have any polish that isn't clear or black, though, neither of which I want. As well, I have run out of Starbucks gift card. A latte most days, plus a few scones, really adds up. I feel oddly forlorn. My dad's making ribs for supper tonight, though, which should be tasty. I should call Peter to make sure he can come join us. Oh, and yay, Sean! You rule the saxophone world! (Sorry, cousin Sean... But, hey, you can rule the lawyer world if you want! ^_^)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miranda would feel your pain about the Starbucks card. She was a very happy recipient of a number of Starbucks cards at Christmas, thus resolving the mischief of having none!

You can send some of those ribs my way...