

I'm at school and Wind Ensemble is about to start. I am much more jealous than I thought I would be. Between the fact that I know almost nobody in the classes I'm taking, the fact that I don't have rep class or rehearsal to go to, and the fact that there's no more lownjlounge to congregate in, I'm feeling very disconnected from things. I currently don't even have Peter around to hang out with, though I got an e-mail from him today confirming that he'd be home Friday evening. Plus, I went to e-mail people about for Thai food this past Saturday, and there were only four people there because everybody else is out of town having a life. :-(

*pouts and feels lonesome*

Saturday night was good, though. I don't get to see Pri, Morgan and Angela as much as I'd like. Morgan said that she'd be coming to Stylistics in HUB to get her hair cut sometime this week and that she'd drop in to visit while she was around. I am looking forward to that, and I've even decided to hang around for my five hour breaks for it. ^_^

Oh, and, on a related note, 8 am classes are especially bad when they're two and a half hours long and are followed by five hours with nothing to do but read. >-p

In other news, last night was the most boring shift ever at work. It was dead, and I was on cash, so I couldn't even go do busywork. I made duelling fortune tellers. And then I met Joyce at Remedy cafe afterwards and stayed up late enough to make my 8am class feel even worse. At least the prof gives us a coffee break.

Hmmm... Maybe I'll type out my Drama journal entries. The bar for creative presentation of this journal seems to be set very high, so I should at least give my prof something other than looseleaf.

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