
Not Much to be Done

It is Wednesday and I am lacking in things to do. Normally, my Drama course wouldn't be over for another 45 minutes, but there was a library session on how to find resources, and, since I've been to at least half a dozen of those things in my University career, none of which I found helpful, I just left. I'm in the lab in FAB and I'll be kicked out in about twenty minutes so that Music 245 can learn about MIDI. I wish that I could take the parts of that course that have been updated. For instance, the notation software I learned was Finale and NoteWriter, but they've now replaced the latter with NotAbility Pro, which I assume is a completely different application, since NoteWriter was old and quasi-obsolete when I learned it. It ruled, though. Also, there's no more ProTools on these computers, and I think they've switched to Dreamweaver. I really miss my freeware edition of ProTools, but they don't have one for Windows XP. Or, rather, they didn't a year ago, and I assume they still don't, since it's a Mac program. Or maybe they now use SoundHack. I dunno. There are a lot of audio programs on the dock of this computer that I don't recognize. Or maybe they use SoundStudio...

Hmmm... What to do... Peter will be around in an hour or so, so maybe I'll go practice and see if he shows. Then, I think I have to go home and shower. I lead such an exciting life. I am so not going to Inclusive Ed today. That class is just not worth attending regularly. I'll make myself go at least once a week, though, so I'll get to half of the classes.

Oh, hey, I know what happened that was interesting! During the hour of Drama class I did have this morning, we started on stage fighting. We didn't get through everything, but we covered the fall, the chin punch, and the dragging by the hair, nose and ear. I am so glad that the people in my class aren't as dense as the people in my Drama 149 class. Those people just didn't understand that the person who's being beat up is the one in control of the movements. When I was being restrained by a group of guys in a scene from our final project, I kept getting hurt. And rather badly during our performance, since the guys were giving it their all. I had bruises on my upper arms... *annoyed*

Anyway, to the practice rooms!


Anonymous said...

Peter? I guess this dream trip to Uruguay is quite o'er and done with. I feel old.

'Nita said...

Yeah, he got back Friday. I feel old compared to the first-years, but then I feel young compared to people like you and Jo and Angela. I'm kind of stuck in the middle. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Whoa, hey, I'm not even in the same league as Angela... Ok, that's mean. I'm sorry. :D